A Study the names of Animals in Laki proverbs
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Yosof Ali Beiranvand
Ghasem Sahrai
1 - Ph.d. Graduated of Department of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Department of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran.
Keywords: Lorestan, proverbs, Laki Language, Lak people, The names of Animal,
Abstract :
Proverbs are short and pithy sentences which have abundant uses and are used by people to persuade each other. Each of the Iranian tribes has themselves proverbs, they have made them for their relationship with each other and sometimes with their nature. Among the people of Lak, like other people, there are proverbs. The Lak is one of the Iranian tribes that live in provinces such as Lorestan, Ilam, Kermanshah, Hamedan and so on. The people of Lak speak the Lak language, which is one of the surviving languages of the Pahlavi language. The names of Animals are prominent in the proverbs of this language. This subject can indicate who they live in the mountains and relationship with animals. In this research, we have tried to study the names of animals in Laki proverbs by descriptive-analytical and field methods. So first we have written phonetics them, then translated them to Persian language and examined the position of their use. Finally, we have given equivalent proverbs that existed in Persian or other types of Iranian languages.
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