An Analytical Study of the Educational Teachings in Local Proverbs of Jahromi Accent
Subject Areas : ...
1 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Jahrom University.
Keywords: proverbs, Educational Teachings, Jahrom’s accent,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to analyze the wisdom and instructions in the local proverbs used by people in Jahrom, which express Jahrom's popular culture. Three hundred and fifty proverbs were collected through recoding the speeches of a number of native elders and from other existing masses. Then, experts categorized and analyzed the proverbs. The results show that these parables have evolved over time based on the collective insights of this region’s people; mostly, relying on the facts and paradoxes of life and reflecting a variety of subjects. A variety of ethics found in different frequencies can also be learned from these proverbs related to the individual and social domains. The results of the research show that these proverbs have emerged over time based on insight, collective nature and realities of people’s life in this region in a melodic and wise manner using Persian words, reflecting critically on the people’s lives in Jahrom. There are also various teachings such as the need to be cautious in recognizing people, observing consistency in work, diligence and child rearing, foresight, conscientiousness, patience, accuracy in transactions, self-confidence, tact, and condemnation of such behaviors as assertiveness, attitudes, rudeness, incompetence, laziness, excess, pride, revelation of secrets, boastfulness, talkativeness, and hypocrisy were detected in the quantities with different frequencies.
کتاب ها
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منابع شفاهی
- حیدر توانایی، هفتاد و هفت ساله از جهرم.
- عبدالرضا نیک اندیش، شصت و هفت ساله از جهرم.
- عبدالکریم عادل پور، شصت و پنج ساله از جهرم.