Kurdish ancient stories and its connection with the style of magical realism (Based on the Kurdish text written by Lescot Roger)
Subject Areas : ...Mousa Parnian 1 , Ata Almasi 2 * , Muhammad Zahed Saidi tabar 3
1 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department Razi University, Kermanshah
2 - M.A in comparative language and literature in Razi University, Kermanshah.
3 - M.A. in Persian language and literature in Razi University, Kermanshah
Keywords: magical realism, Kurdish ancient stories, Lescot Roger, Kurdish text,
Abstract :
Combining the life realities with the traditions and people's beliefs and fantasies of the Caribbean area which is a mixture of black African slaves' beliefs and the customs of the American Indians before Columbus, led to emergence writing style of the magical realism. Despite the attribution of this school of writing to Latin America and Gabriel Garcia Marquez It is not possible to determine this style of writing solely allocated for this region, because some aspects of the origin of this writing technique have been found in the literature of the east, including the local and native Kurdish literature of the region. The Kurdish textbook or the "Old Kurdish Stories" compiled by Lescot Roger, a French writer and scholar, is one of Kurdish works that undoubtedly, like other eastern works, is the origin of the magical realism style. Hence, the present paper seeks to examine how to link the magic realism style of writing with Kurdish stories based on Lescot Roger's Book. The initial findings of the research show that many of the components of magical realism have been used in this book, along with fantasy and imagination, far from any judgments and orientations, the important and profound realities of the Kurdish community have been depicted in an imaginary and unfamiliar environment. Therefore, the audience in the real world is sometimes overwhelmed by doubts; meanwhile, it opens up new perspectives to the audience in which they are an ideal human biographer and without any kind of ugliness, disgust, and disappointment.
1.کتاب ها
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