Risk assessment of Poya Zarkan Aq Dareh processing company by JSA method using PHA-pro software
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializations
Keywords: Risk Assessment, Keywords: Poya Zarkan Aq Dareh Processing company, JSA job analysis, PHA-pro software,
Abstract :
Industrial activities are associated with many risks. Safety, health and environmental (HSE) assessments are very important in the industry due to accidents that lead to death or various disabilities. The results of HSE review and evaluation are an effective help for managers and engineers in deciding and designing health and safety systems in high-risk environments and prevent accidents. the purpose of this study, which is conducted for the first time, is to provide an approach to identify and rank and assess the risk of Pouya Zarkan Aq Dareh Processing Company by occupational safety analysis (JSA) using PHA-pro software. Necessary measures (including types of hazards and consequences) through observation methods, interviews with specialists and experts, review of documents and conditions of the study area, in order to reduce and control accidents and hazards caused by pollution and unsafe behaviors. the production line and the total of the factory have been done in order to determine the priority of the studied risks and consequences and finally by using the Occupational Risk Assessment (JSA) technique, occupational risk and safety assessment.