Poly Aluminum Chloride Application in Water Treatment and the Comparing with Other Coagulants
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializations
Abstract :
Regarding the high water application in the life and its importance in environmental, nowadays water treatment is one of the most important issues. There are a lot of ways for water purification like using filter, biological treatment, coagulation… Using coagulants is one the best ways in this aim. Usually in sedimentation, gravity force is being used. Coagulation is the sedimentation method by using some chemicals. There are varieties of coagulants: organic, non organic… In this research we have tested none organic ones, like Poly Chloride Aluminum, Poly Chloride Aluminum Sulfate, Chloride Ferric and Aluminum Sulfate. In comparison, Poly Chloride Aluminum Sulfate has the minimum consumption and settling time. Result shows with having the same concentration of coagulant, Poly Chloride Aluminum Sulfate has the maximum rate of coagulation.