Alanine peroxide polyoxotungstate haybrid condensation study in MMT nanotubes layers
Subject Areas : The Application of Chemistry in Environment
Keywords: Alanine peroxide polyoxotungstate, Montmorilonite, Alanine, not animating,
Abstract :
In this research MMT produced Ala+MMT compound by cation exchange reaction by protonate Alanine aminoacide. Mix reaction of Ala+MMT in room temperature by proxo polyoxotungstate anion which has been produced by hydrogen peroxide reaction ant phoshotangestite in the presence of phosphoric acide, due to produce Alanine peroxide polyoxotungstate in nanolayers of MMT. In this structure, to produce Alanine peroxide polyoxotungstate, Ala+ cations connected to polyoxotangestate. Thus, Alanine peroxide polyoxotungstate compound was formed and condensed in montmorilonite layers. The product was studied by FT-IR, XRD and TGA. TGA analysis, step analysis related to reduction of initial weight shows evaporation of residual water which is associated by alanine dextroy and hydroxyl removal of MMT layers.