Effects of pesticides in the environment and its biodegradation
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializationsAhmad Asl hashemi 1 * , Leila Tarwardizadeh 2 , Sahra Sakhaifar 3
1 - Department of Environmental Health Education, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
2 - Bachelor of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
3 - Corresponding author: Bachelor student of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Keywords: Bioremediation, Pesticides, sustainability in the environment, detoxification potential,
Abstract :
Pesticides are widely used to prevent unwanted attacks of pests on plants and agricultural fields. The uniqueness of their chemical structure or their interaction with the environment determines the nature of pesticides. In most cases, farmers and consumers of these products, although they know their serious effects, still cannot limit their consumption. Pesticides have harmful effects on soil and human ecosystems that affect molecules, tissues and biological organs and cause acute or chronic disorders. These disorders affect people of all ages, including during pregnancy. These pollutants affect aquatic systems when released. Water molecules in the river are affected by the accumulation of these toxic pollutants with alkaline pH and heavy metals, which can negatively affect the health of plants and animals. This article discusses the scientific literature on the various modification technologies available for safer pesticide use. The use of microorganisms and biological methods for the decomposition of chemical substances in the soil is monitored. However, the effectiveness of this method in the future to save the environment is debatable.