A Review of the Application of Nanomaterials in Biomass Conversion to Biofuel
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializationsMajid Mirzaee 1 * , Tayyebeh Mohebbi 2
1 - Non-metallic Materials Research Group, Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D Student, Chemistry Department, Kashan university, P.O. Box: 87317-51167, Kashan, Iran
Keywords: Bioenergy, Biomass, Biofuel, Nanotechnology,
Abstract :
Abstract Global energy production, heavily influenced by the widespread use of fossil fuels, has highlighted the importance of finding alternative energy sources with high potential. Continuous efforts are underway to address challenges related to the initial stages before conversion to bioenergy, such as pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and biomass cultivation. Nanotechnology can overcome problems associated with these biomass sources by using its unique active sites for various reactions and processes. In this review article, the potential of nanotechnology, which has been integrated as an aid or additive in these biomasses to enhance the efficiency of bioenergy production, is examined. The fundamentals of nanomaterials along with their diverse applications in the field of bioenergy are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the optimization and enhancement of bioenergy production from lignocelluloses, microalgae, and wastewater using nanomaterials have been fully evaluated. The prominent features of these nanomaterials that contribute to the improvement of the performance of biofuels, biodiesel, enzymes, and microbial fuel cells have also been critically reviewed. Finally, based on existing studies, future trends and research needs have been considered.
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