Examining the Concept of Murābatah in the Qur'an Based on Tafāsīr al-Mīzān and al-Taḥrīr va al-Tanwīr
Subject Areas : Quarterly Journal of Research for the Studies of the Ahl al-BaytAbdolrasool Shabani 1 , Ahmadreza Basij 2 * , Mohammad Hossein Ghasem Peyvandi 3
1 - Department of Law, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Farhangian University, Shahrekord Branch, Shahrekord, Iran .
3 - Assistant Professor of Law Department, Aliguderz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliguderz, Iran.
Keywords: Islamic Morality, The Qur'an, Allameh Tabatabai, Al-Mīzān, Ibn Āshur, Al-Taḥrīr va al-Tanwīr.,
Abstract :
The research examines this important issue in a comparative and descriptive-analytical way from the perspective of two contemporary commentators; Allameh Tabataba'i has criticized it in al-Mīzān fi Tafsīr al-Qur'an and Sheikh ibn Āshur in al-Taḥrīr va al-Tanwīr. According to Ibn Ashur, Murābatah means maintaining military readiness in the borders of the Islamic country; While according to Allameh Tabatabai's social reading, mutuality means the relationship of all people in all aspects of social life. The basic question is that, taking into account the co-occurrence of words and also examining the meanings of the chapter of Mufāʿalah in verse 200 of Surah Al-Imran, what is the precise explanation of the concept of Murābatah? By comparative analysis, the mention of the interpretive narrative of waiting for prayer after prayer has been obtained as a common point of opinion of both commentators. On the other hand, as a point of difference, Allameh's social analysis about Islamic relations, which means the connection of all people in social actions, is against Ibn Ashur's opinion, which means maintaining the borders of the Islamic country. The result is that considering the application of connections in the verse and considering the meanings of the chapter on interaction, none of the mentioned views are beyond the limit of determining the example and the connections indicate the continuous participation.
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