Application of the Platonic solution to deal with the sophist in solving the problems of virtual space
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesParastoo mesbahi jamshid 1 * , Maryam Soltani Kouhanestani 2
1 - Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: Cyberspace, sophistry, Plato, wisdom, rationality, spirituality,
Abstract :
Contemporary man, who lives in the era of information and communication technology and is in a sense under the control of Cyberspace, is faced with issues that have made it difficult for him to distinguish truth from error. This difficulty has the same nature as the epistemological problems of ancient Greece, which were created by the Sophists and solved by Plato's enlightenment. The aim of the current research is to investigate whether Plato's position against the sophists can be a solution to the problems of Syber space? This research has been carried out with a descriptive-analytical method and the findings indicate that although there is no absolute compatibility between the infrastructure and the content of the Cyberspace with the nature and practice of the sophist, and the basis and purpose of creating the Cyberspace is different from all kinds of sophistry which was done by the false claimants of philosophy; At the same time, in use, there is a significant closeness between these two procedures. Correspondence between sophistry and Cyberspace is clear in components such as the use of appearance instead of truth, opinion instead of knowledge, neglect of human knowledge, and the preference of speech or writing. The way out of the problems of Syberspace according to the Platonic approach is to pay attention to the two elements of "rationality" and "spirituality".
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