Explanation and examination of the epistemological foundations of philosophical counseling
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
Seyed Hesam Hosaini
Akbar Rahnama
مهدی سبحانی نژاد
1 - Department of Philosophy of Education, Faculty Educational Sciences, University of Shahed, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Shahed, Tehran, Iran
3 - استاد دانشگاه شاهد
Keywords: philosophical counseling, epistemology, worldview, client,
Abstract :
This research was done with the purpose of explaining and investigating the epistemological foundations of philosophical counseling. Methods: The type of this research is theoretical in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of approach. Various methods were used to collect data and to achieve the objectives of the research. The main method used in this research is the analytical method. For this purpose, the method of conceptual analysis and interpretation and conceptualization was used to explain the research question. Results: In philosophical counseling, acquiring knowledge is a human achievement that is obtained as a result of constructing meanings and evaluating human realities. Hence, the subject is human knowledge and human knowledge can always be re-considered and evaluated. This approach is based on eight epistemological foundations including: the inseparability of knowledge and human existence, genuine knowledge against false knowledge, the experimental and cross-cultural nature of knowledge, going beyond discursive knowledge and the fundamental transformation of references, direct and critical knowledge, the impartiality of a consultant in The process of acquiring knowledge is based on self-awareness and human's innate desire to realize knowledge. The most important source of acquiring knowledge in philosophical counseling is the senses of ontology and the most important means of acquiring knowledge are dialogue, formal logic, phenomenology, examination and analysis of clients' experiences, and language analysis.
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