The role of analytical philosophy of language assessment in solving misunderstanding about drug addiction
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
Fattan Dehghani
Mohammad Raayat Jahromi
1 - M.A in philosophy, Imam Khomeini International University
2 - Associated professor in philosophy, Imam Khomeini International University
Keywords: philosophical analysis, linguistic misunderstandings, drugs, addiction, abuse,
Abstract :
In the present day, drug addiction stands as a major global affliction. Addiction cannot be cured, as stated by medical world. The origin of insecurity in science is based on these theories. One factor that can lead to misdiagnosis and treatment is the ambiguous nature of natural language and linguistic misunderstandings by consumers, therapists, people, and society regarding this category. To resolve this problem, one must engage in philosophical exploration through the study of the vocabulary of this field in the context of language analysis. Analytical philosophy has the capacity to help resolve these misunderstandings. The objective of this article is to assess the feasibility and introduce the capabilities of analytical philosophy in relation to drug abuse. By using specialized terminology and the analytical language approach, it aims to provide solutions and enable individuals to take effective steps towards changing their mindset towards comprehending the issue. Our objective is to explore the connection between analytical philosophy and the problem of drug abuse in four different areas: 1- Examining the hidden structure of language and resolving the ambiguities that arise from natural language. 2- The relationship between meaning and application. 3- The ability to understand language and engage in social interaction. 4- The connection between truth and implementation (Truth theories).
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