Presence and being in the world in Mulla Sadra and Heidegger’s philosophy
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesFatemeh ghowanloo 1 * , Hamed Naji Isfahani 2
1 - PhD candidate of Islamic philosophy and theology, Islamic Azad university of Isfahan, Khorasgan branch
2 - Assistant professor, university of Isfahan
Keywords: Human’s knowledge by presence to himself is the foundation of his presence in his sight and direct intuition of the being. Mulla Sadra has rescued human being from the insurmountable gap of contradiction between subject and object relying on the se, it can be said that human’s presence in itself is the basis of his being in the world. By this consideration, there are many similarities between Sadra and Heidegger’s doctrine,
Abstract :
Human’s knowledge by presence to himself is the foundation of his presence in his sight and direct intuition of the being. Mulla Sadra has rescued human being from the insurmountable gap of contradiction between subject and object relying on the self as a being which identifies the being and knowledge. The mankind by his presence finds his existence connected to the external world. Finding the self in the midst of creatures and having a specific relation with the world means being in the world. Heidegger also raises the issue of presence and being in the world regarding human’s specific relation with the world and his ability to interpret and evaluate the existence and being beyond-existence. Therefore, it can be said that human’s presence in itself is the basis of his being in the world. By this consideration, there are many similarities between Sadra and Heidegger’s doctrine.
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