Moral coherency and wide reflective equilibrium
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesBehrooz Muhammadi munfared 1 *
1 - Assistant professor of ethics and Islamic references department, Tehran university
Keywords: Moral coherenticism – Moral belief justification – Wide coherency, Wide reflective equilibrium – Narrow reflective equilibrium,
Abstract :
Recently, the wide reflective equilibrium can be considered consistent with the wide moral coherentism and seen to be more reliable than the narrow moral coherency in the ethics, since to justify the moral beliefs, in addition of coherency with the other ethical beliefs, they should be coherent to the related immoral beliefs such as psychological, biological, sociological and anthropological achievements. It is important that this level of coherency faced the challenges and has not provided better explanation than the fundamentalism to justify moral belief. In this article, after explaining the moral coherentism and wide reflective equilibrium, the general approach to the moral coherencies will be criticized. Finally, it will be clear that even if assumed that a moral belief in a wide coherency is justified, but this belief is justified only neglectfully, that which is meant that the agent has no epistemic reasons to accept or reject that propositions and therefore they cannot be justified epistemologically.
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