A Comparative Study of the Structure of Cognition in Descartes and John Dewey’s Philosophy
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesSeyed saber Seyedi fazlollahi 1 , Mohammad Akvan 2 *
1 - Ph. D. Candidate of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Cognition, Pragmatism, John Dewey, Descartes,
Abstract :
In his philosophical structure, Descartes intended to organize, on the basis of mathematics, an efficient method of certainty for research and philosophy. The Mathesis is a body of universal and necessary truths of order and connection between ideas. According to Descartes' epistemology, man has become a researcher and discoverer who must discover himself. For Descartes, certain knowledge is possible, and in his structural cognitive style, action is a function of the form, while Dewey's cognitive style is a function in which form is a function of action and behavior. Examining the consequences of Darwinian views of the world, Dewey rejects Descartes' view: The question of the possibility of human knowledge has been fundamentally wrong. Dewey, by looking again at the absolute, the unconditional, and the certain, in philosophy, sees it only as a means to use if it results in success. Philosophy is not merely a mental organization of eternal and absolute truth, but a technology, method, and technique to be a means for social reform, regulation, and improvement of human and societal behavior.
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