The Epistemology of Revelation Regarding a Dream or a Revelation According to Farabi and Ibn Arabi’s Approach
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesLeila Mirzakhani 1 , Abdorreza Mazaheri 2 * , bakhshali ghanbari 3
1 - Ph. D. Candidate of Islamic Mysticism, Central Tehran Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor of Islamic Mysticism, Central Tehran Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Religions and Mysticism, Central Tehran Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: dream, Epistemology, revelation, Farabi, Ibn Arabi,
Abstract :
God speaking with the messenger and the quality of revelation received has been the vital problem for theologians and philosophers during the Islamic history. Islamic thinkers such as Farabi and Ibn Arabi have encountered this issue through what vision and form can be sent to the Prophet. Can other people except messengers like philosophers or mystics achieve that or not? If so, what are the differences between them and the prophet? Farabi has used his imagination to solve this problem. It can play the role of intermediate to make the relationship between simple and immaterial God and the prophet who is living in change and time, acceptable. That is why some contemporary scholars interpreted the revelation as a dream. Ibn Arabi criticized Farabi’s thought, he has mentioned that the imagination is beyond the reason which is in need of senses, memory and rational faculty which is subjected to the error. Since Farabi’s approach may be considered by certain philosophers, it has its own importance. Ibn Arabi’s answers are the modern discussion which has not been presented by any one so far. As a result, it should be said that considering the revelation as an imaginative phenomenon is a sort of reductionism which has descended it to the level of unveiling and intuition. The koranic words considered as existence will be reduced to human words. While the revelation is allusion and human words are the passage.
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