Knowledge of God in Imam's traditions and its epistemological justification
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesMohammad Hosein Mahdavinejad 1 , Masoud Fekri 2 , Mohammad Hosein Emamijoo 3 *
1 - Payame Noor University Center Of Advanced Studies Department Of Theology Philosophy Of Religion Group
2 - Associate Professor of Tehran University
3 - مربی آموزشی دانشگاه قرآن و حدیث
Keywords: Justification, Knowledge of God, Ahl Al-Bayt, primordial nature knowledge, Moderate Foundationalism,
Abstract :
The epistemological explanation of the knowledge of God is certainly one of the most important and controversial in the philosophy of religion. One of the theories presented is primordial nature theology. The Imams (as) in their hadith family have largely spoken on the knowledge of God by primordial nature. The innate knowledge of God in the expression of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) is such that God has placed His knowledge in the institution of all human beings and they have no involvement in obtaining this knowledge. In addition, a large group of verses and hadiths have made statements about monotheism that are based solely on narrated sources. The purpose of this research and its innovation is to examine the epistemological validity of propositions related to the knowledge of God based on the Qur'an and the traditions of the Ahl al-Bayt. Accordingly, among the theories of justification, the selected theory of this study is based on the moderate fundamentalism. The method of this article, in terms of theological propositions, is the method of library study (study of documents) and the descriptive-analytical method when the epistemological justification is considered.
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