Aristotle on personal identity and mind- body problem
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesmozhgan محمدی 1 * , malek hosseini 2
1 - department of western philosophy,Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Islamic azad university
Keywords: "Aristotle", "Mind", "Body", "Personal Identity",
Abstract :
The problem of mind-body is one of the most complex philosophical issues that, in the opinion of thinkers, if there is enough answer to this question, many complex and difficult philosophical issues will be solved, and human beings will achieve a comprehensive knowledge of the nature of mankind. In addition to the ontological and causal problems posed by the mind-body issue, this issue faces mental issues with important questions such as the nature of personal identity and its relation to the body and the brain. The inability of theories in explanation due to mental and physical characteristics has led some to raise the issue of returning to the Aristotelian interpretation of mind or soul as body form. In spite of the many criticisms that Aristotle's theory posed, how he faced the problem of mind-body it helps us, to answer questions about what constitutes mental phenomena and physical states, and how is the interaction of our body and mind. His views also have many strengths points in solving the problem of personal identity.
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