The Layering of the Cognitive Apparatus of the Mythical knowledge from the Perspective of Ernst Cassirer Is based on the Characteristics of "Being Fixed", "Being Fundamental" and "the Extent of Influence"
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
majid reza moghanipour
ashkan rahmani
1 - Department of Art. Faculty of Art & Architecture. Shiraz University. Shiraz. Iran
2 - Department of Art. Faculty of Art & Architecture. Shiraz University. Shiraz. Iran
Keywords: Epistemology, Mythical knowledge, Cassirer,
Abstract :
As a Kant, Cassirer saw the only path to human cognition through forms of mental and abstract concepts that are in fact human cognitive tools; but on the other hand he deeply believed that these forms were not limited to rational models only. But irrational forms and patterns also play a role in the process of human knowledge. Because the logic of human consciousness has not always been rational, and human senses and emotions have been involved in shaping his cognitive forms. In the meantime, he presents "Myth" as one of the most important forms of human cognition and introduces the features and contents of this form of human knowledge. The main purpose of this article is to separate and layer the contents introduced by Cassirer from this epistemological form based on the three indicators of "being fixed", "fundamental" and "their extent of influence" on other contents. The results of this study, based on a careful reading of Cassirer's ideas in this regard, contain the contents of the cognitive system of mythological consciousness in the form of five layers: "fundamental confrontation", "laws", "mediators", "special categories" and " Perceptions” were separated. Accordingly, all of this content is based on the fundamental "Holy / unholy" opposition that occupies the central core of this consciousness. Also, these contents, based on their proximity to the central core of this cognitive system, have more stability and have a wider impact on the outer and posterior layers.
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