An Attempt to Show the Possibilities of the Kant's Third Critique with Regard to the Concept of Common Sense.
Subject Areas : Epistemological researchesjafar mazhabi 1 * , Yosoof Shaghool 2
1 - Isfahan University
2 - associat professor in Isfahan university
Keywords: common sense, Kant, Wittgenstein, Hegel, Critique of Judgment,
Abstract :
This paper is an attempt to show arguably how, and to some extent, Kant's third Critique is more prone than other ones to tackling a problem which can be called transcendental philosopher's main problem, i.e. how it is possible to have rules which both determine the validity (universality and necessity) of our propositions and accord with the changeable facts of our life. In Critique of Judgment, Kant brings up this main problem in this form: how is it possible to reach reliable rules for aesthetic propositions which are not objective? What may enable Kant's third Critique to overcome the given problem is his referring to the concept of common sense which provides an open forum for the construction of more dynamic rules. Therefore, here by focusing on the concept of common sense, I attempt to indicate that how kant in third Critique provides a circumstance prone to resolve the main problem, and also open to two readings followed by Hegel and Wittgenstein in two different ways.
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