Identifying Factors affecting Organizational Dynamics with a Social Sociological approach (case study: Ministry of Sports and Youth)
Subject Areas : Social science studies in sports
Mohammad Moradi
mina Mostahfezian
Hamid Ghasemi
Hamid Zahedi
1 - Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - , Sport medicine research center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
3 - Sport Management Department,, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Sport medicine research center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Competitiveness, Politics, Ministry of Sports and Youth, Organizational Dynamics, Modern Management,
Abstract :
The sociology of sports is that all phenomena and events cannot be one-sided and one-dimensional, but rather complex and complex that express realities. Concepts and phenomena gain meaning when they are examined as concrete and connected realities in relation to other social realities (Brett, 2009). This is despite the fact that social order is one of the most important issues and topics discussed and, accordingly, it is one of the most central areas of sociological knowledge. On the other hand, sports in its group form as one of the most important social activities plays an effective role in the cultural conditions of the society. To meet the changing needs of customers, organizations need to produce and provide new and high-standard products and services in a fast and flexible way. The traditional structures of Taylorism that were used effectively in the past are not suitable in today's dynamic and competitive environment. Many scientists in various fields from all over the world came together to respond to this growing pressure. The basis of the success of these scientists is the need for organizational dynamics (Claretha, 2010). Organizational dynamism is a basic approach to managing environmental uncertainty and is considered as the dynamic ability of the organization to actively respond to the changing competitive environment, which may create a sustainable competitive advantage for the company (Ketkar & Sett, 2010). Research Lehman Wilmbrook and Allen (2018) showed that organizational dynamism has a positive and significant effect on the organizational performance of hospitals, and the more dynamic the organization is, the better it can react to environmental changes. In their research results, Besli et al. (2023) acknowledge that organizational culture is one of the factors influencing organizational dynamics. A review of the background of the research shows that a research that has not been done specifically to examine and identify the factors affecting organizational dynamics in the Ministry of Sports and Youth of the country with a sociological approach; Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of identifying factors affecting organizational dynamics in the Ministry of Sports and Youth of the country with a social sociological approach and providing solutions to improve the current situation.MethodologyThis research was conducted in a mixed way in terms of practical orientation and in terms of data collection methods. The statistical population in the quantitative section also includes the employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, 371 people were selected. According to the nature of the research, data collection in the first part was done using in-depth semi-structured interviews in order to conduct the interview, The reliability of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha test. The value of alpha coefficient in this research for the used questionnaire was reported as 0.89. The method of data analysis was used in the qualitative section according to the foundation's data theory method. This method emphasizes the use of data analysis steps through open, central and selective coding, and in the quantitative part, using inferential statistics methods including calculating the construct validity of the questionnaire and examining its exploratory factor analysis structure using Spss version 24 software. The calculation and testing of the final model of the research was done with the analysis of structural equations through Imus 24 software.Findings In the continuation of the goodness of fit test, the research model was confirmed. The indices along with the coefficients obtained from the research are mentioned in the table below.Table 1. Fit indices for the research modelModel fit indices AGFI GFI CFI IFI NFI RMR RMSEA CMIN/DFThe amount obtained 0.80>80 0.80> 0.80> 0.80> 0.80> 0.1< 0.1< 3<Criterion value 0.91 0.91 0.94 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.067 2.94Based on the index values presented for this model in Table 5, the Kaido index is less than 3 for its degree of freedom, and the fit indices of NFI, CFI, IFI, GFI and AGFI are greater than 0.8, RMSEA and RMR are also smaller than 0.1. that confirmed the fit of the model.ConclusionConsidering the importance of organizational dynamics in the current situation, for the country's sports organizations, the current research was conducted with the aim of identifying the factors influencing the identification of the influencing factors on the dynamics in the Ministry of Sports and Youth in the form of a model. In this research, 7 influencing factors on organizational dynamics were identified, and their prioritization includes organizational structure, human resources, new management style, organizational policies, organizational culture, competitiveness, and acceptance of change.Based on the results of this research, one should look for approaches to change the socio-cognitive behavior of the employees of sports organizations; Because according to the results of the present study, changing the approach towards dynamic organizations is the only way to deal with continuous environmental changes and crises in sports; Therefore, according to the findings of the current research, it is recommended to the managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and their subordinate organizations to use the necessary planning and investment for the development of dynamics in sports organizations based on the identified priorities, in order to deal with the continuous changes in the environment. While responding faster and coordinating with new laws and conditions, achieve the desired goals of the organization with creativity and discovery of innovative processes. Among the limitations of the current research in the qualitative part of the research is the possibility of different interpretations of the phenomenon under investigation, and naturally, the interpretation made of the phenomenon studied in this research is only one of the possible and acceptable interpretations about it. In the quantitative part, the impossibility of controlling environmental factors on statistical samples when answering questions is one of the limitations of the research. Finally, it can be said that the findings of this research clearly pointed to important steps that can lead to the improvement of the existing dynamic situation of the organization with a social sociological approach to reach the desired situation.