The effect of social norms of smartphone use on interpersonal relationships with the mediating role of smartphone addiction and shyness
Subject Areas : Social science studies in sports
davood Mirbroon
Kazem cheragh birkandi
1 - Master's student in sports management, Islamic Azad University, Birjand branch
2 - Assistant Professor,
Department of Physical Education, Birjand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Birjand, Iran
Keywords: ", Norm", interpersonal", , ", shyness", ", smartphone", ,
Abstract :
Objective:Today, smartphones are very popular among young people. With smartphones, people can communicate with others anytime and anywhere. As a result, the scope of interpersonal interactions changes and brings opportunities for the development of interpersonal relationships (Zhen et al, 2019). Smartphone addiction refers to the possible effects of smartphone use on schoolwork, daily life, and interpersonal relationships. In a worse situation, a person may repeatedly violate social norms. Most of the previous studies focused on the relationships between smartphone addiction and the personality of smartphone addicts (Mosalanejad et al, 2019), shyness (Han et al, 2017), melancholia, negative emotion traits (Chen et al, 2016), and Peer relationships (Wang et al, 2018). The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of social norms of using smart phones on interpersonal relationships with the mediating role of smartphone addiction and shyness in selected athletes of student Olympiads in the country.Methodology:The research method is descriptive and was conducted in the field. The statistical population of the research was the students who participated in the Olympiads of the best student sports talents in 1401. According to Morgan's table, the sample was selected in the number of 384 people and the multi-stage cluster sampling method was available. The research tools included Chan's (2015) smartphone social norms questionnaire, Hong's (2020) interpersonal relationship questionnaire, Hong et al.'s (2012) smartphone addiction questionnaire, and Stanford's shyness questionnaire (1990) were used. To ensure the validity of the questionnaires, after compiling them, the opinions and guidance of expert professors in the science of sports management were used and their opinions were included in the final questionnaire. To ensure the reliability of the questionnaires, 30 copies were distributed in the preliminary study on a sample that was completely randomly selected, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the social norms of smartphone use (α = 0.78), interpersonal relationship questionnaire (0.80) =α), smartphone addiction (α=0.75) and shyness (α=0.89) were obtained. In the following, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential (Kalmogrof-Smirnov, structural equation modeling) methods were used to analyze the data using SPSS software. Version 22 and Smart Plus version 3 were used at a significance level of p≤05Results: The results of the research showed that social norms have a significant effect on interpersonal relationships and shyness plays a mediating role in the relationship between social norms and interpersonal relationships. The value of Sobel's statistic for smartphone addiction (1.40) and shyness (2) was reported that because shyness variables exceed the critical value of 1.96, it can be said that shyness plays a mediating role in the relationship between social norms and interpersonal relationships. have. But it is not significant for the smartphone addiction variable according to the value calculated for the Sobel statistic.Conclusion:Therefore, it is suggested that positive social norms in society should be emphasized more by families and educational institutions, including education, in order to use them to create positive relationships between students.Conclusion:Therefore, it is suggested that positive social norms in society should be emphasized more by families and educational institutions, including education, in order to use them to create positive relationships between students