Design of Robust Reset Controller Based on Optimal After Reset Performance to Improve the Performance of an Industrial Robot Control
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Maryam Jeddi-Golfazani
Mohammad Vahedi
Majid Gandomkar
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
3 - Department of Electrical Engineering- Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
Keywords: Reset control, robot with two degrees of freedom, robust combination control, optimal output feedback control, systematic after reset method,
Abstract :
Standard PID controllers are one of the most desirable controllers for industrial automation and the most widely used control in feedback systems. However, linear controllers have limitations that representtation controllers can be used to overcome these limitations. In this paper, a robust reset control based on optimal output feedback to control a robot with two degrees of freedom. In general, the behavior of reset controllers is similar to that of linear controllers, in other words, they are easy to implement. In this regard, in this paper, by introducing a special combination control called robust reset output feedback control, the disadvantages of the linear controller are eliminated and its main purpose is to reduce overexposure and increase the response speed and better stability of the controlled system. Therefore, this paper introduces a systematic method for reset optimal output feedback controller. To do this, an optimal output feedback controller is first designed without the reset action, so that the poles of the closed-loop system are located in a predefined area. This area is selected to ensure the stability of the exponential and the arrival time of the closed loop in a finite time. Then, the reset value at reset times is designed to minimize a cost-effective function for better performance. In this paper, for the first time, the reset value is specified only with the system output information and then the stability of the system will be guaranteed. The robot used in this article is a practical and industrial example that has two arms and two joints with separate control capability. The position and behavior of the arms based on the governing equations and mathematical relations indicate its direct effect on each other. Finally, to prove the proposed design, numerical simulation will be performed using Matlab software and a comparison between the proposed controller and a similar controller will be performed.
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