Technical and Economic Management of Energy Distribution to Reduce Charging Costs and Reduction
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Meysam Saeedirad
Esmaeel Rokrok
Mahmoud Joorabian
1 - Engineering Department- Islamic Azad University Lorestan Branch, Lorestan, Iran
2 - Engineering Department- Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran
3 - Engineering Department- Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: electric car charge management, home energy management, distribution network operation, energy electrical,
Abstract :
Proper management of electrical energy in the electricity distribution network is one of the main issues of network operation that high impact of reducing operating costs, reducing network losses, increasing the quality of updates, increasing customer satisfaction and etc. can have achieving these goals is possible when the elements of the distribution network act in coordination and awareness of each other. This paper considers this awareness among home subscribers, car charging parking lots and the network operating company has been taken and its benefits have been explored. A two-stage model of energy management in the distribution network is presented. The first stage is related to home energy management in the presence or absence of a load response program, taking into account tastes. Subscribers' personalization is done to bring the results closer to the real world then based on the information sent from these subscribers and determining the residential load profile of the network, electric car charging parking operators to manage according to their limitations electric vehicle to improve both charging costs and network operation parameters. Unlike traditional charging methods, in this method does not require a full charge of car batteries and only the final limit of the battery charge level in terms of energy required for drivers' future trips will be determined, and charging operations will be performed using the discrete charge rate. The results of a review of various case studies applied to a 37-bus distribution network shows that the proposed method has a high capability. In providing customer satisfaction, improving network operation parameters and reducing charging costs and meeting the needs of car drivers will had. This method can pave the way for expanding the level of vehicle penetration in distribution networks and the benefits of the load response program and smart charging maximizes productivity.
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