Throughput Improvement in Multi radio Multi channel Wireless Cognitive Radio Mesh Networks
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Fahimeh Aghaee
Avid Avokh
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Najafabad, Esfahan, Iran
2 - Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Wireless cognitive radio mesh networks, multi radio, multicast period, Network coding,
Abstract :
The classic spectrum management methods cannot efficiently supply the future multicast traffic demands. Recently, the cognitive radio technology has emerged as a promising solution to enhance the spectrum utilization. However, the potential heterogeneity in channel availability among the network users leads to send the packets through multiple channels. This significantly decreases the network throughput. The main goal of this paper is to reduce the multicast period in a single-cell and multi-channel wireless mesh cognitive radio network. In this regard, we jointly exploit the multicast scheduling policies, the intra-groups and inter-groups assistance strategies, and the Wireless Broadcast Advantage (WBA). Based on WBA, a single transmission of a node can simultaneously cover multiple neighboring receivers. In addition, by assigning multiple radios to each network user, we allow the nodes to simultaneously transmit/receive the packets on distinct channels. Numerical results of our comprehensive simulations demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme in term of the network throughput.
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