Investigation and improvement of high step- up converters for pv module applications
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Hamed moradmand jazi
Ehsan Adib
Bahador Fani
1 - MSc. - Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Esfahan University of Technology
3 - Assistant Professor - Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Boost converter, three level converter, high step-up converters, Coupled inductors, stress-voltage-switching,
Abstract :
Abstract- sun is of the clean and cheapest sources of energy. Charging slight energy to electricity is carried out by PV modules. Since most electric consumers need Ac input voltage, the PV modules output voltage should be changed into Ac form. But, the voltage level of PV modules is much lower than the voltage needed in input stage of inverters. Because of large voltage level. Difference it is not possible to use the basic boost and buck-boost converters. The basic boost and buck-boost converters definitely can not be used in this applications, for, they will face extreme drop in efficiency in duty cycles closer to unity.In this paper The proposed converter is presented in order to decrease the voltage stress of coupled inductors based high step-up converters. The voltage stress in the proposed converter is lower than the high step-up boost converter with coupled inductors in identical condition. Also, soft switching condition for switches and diodes is realized by active clamp circuit, and with this technique and proper selection of duty cycle, large gain and high efficiency could be achieved ultimately. . In this paper theoretical analysis is used for analyzing the performance of the proposed converters, and in order to verify the theoretical analysis, simulated results from pspice software is provides.
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