Foreign Intervention in the Internal Affairs of Governments through Cyber Operations According to Tallinn Manual 2
Subject Areas : Legal Studies of Cyberspace
Azar Givkey
Mohammadreza Hakakzadeh
1 - Deparment of international law, factualy of humanity scienses, azad university of qom, qom, iran
2 - Deparment of international law, factualy of humanity scienses, azad university of qom, qom, iran
Keywords: intervention, The principle of non-intervention, Tallinn Manual, cyber-attack, cyber operations, prohibition of intervention,
Abstract :
The environment of communication and interaction between states is changing in line with the progress of modern science and technology. The modern means of communication, in addition to facilitation of better and fast interactions, have the potential to become destructive threats that may interfere with the internal affairs of a country, and may target the right of determination of the people of a country, for example by using Movements during the elections in the targeted countries, or in the worst case, disrupt or destroy the vital and important infrastructure of a country. This research has been carried out in a descriptive-analytical method employing library studies and using documents available on the internet. The present article, while examining the principle of non-intervention as one of the basic principles of international law in cyber operations, accentuates the Tallinn Manual 2 in its attempt to examine the characteristics of a cyber-attack and, by considering the specific features of the intervention, aims at explaining the violation of the principle of non-intervention through cyber-attacks in different conditions.