Analysis of Elision, Shift, Metathesis and Epenthesis in Tabasi Vernacular
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Shima Jaafari Dehaghi
Fatemeh Gharibzadeh
1 - Assistant Professor in Ancient Iranian Languages, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran.
2 - M.A student in Ancient Iranian Languages, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran.
Keywords: phonological processes, Assimilation, metathesis, Tabasi Variety, Elision,
Abstract :
Tabasi dialect is the vernacular spoken in Tabas, one of the cities in Khorasan province, Iran. In the present article, the aim is to study some phonological processes of this variety. The data were gathered by field study and written sources. The data from field study were collected via interviews with the local informants settled in Tabas. The informants age ranged between 30 to 80 years. Generally, the results showed that the process of "elision" and "assimilation", “metathesis” and “prothesis” are some of the phonological ones in this variety. Other phonological processes in this variety are mentioned as well. In Tabasi dialect, deletion of the final consonants /d/, /m/, /n/, /t/, /k/, /z/; deletion of the final vowel [y]; addition of a vowel at the beginning of a cluster consonant; changing the phonetic group [ān] and [ām] to [u(n)] and [um]; exchanging the two phonemes [āb] and [ab] and [af] and [āy] and [āv] and the compound vowel [əw] are some of the phonological processes.
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منابع لاتین
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