Classification the Economic Entropy Index in a Macroeconomic Model
Subject Areas : Labor and Demographic Economics
Behrouz Sadeghi Amroabadi
mohsen renani
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Modeling, P28, Econophysics, Q53, JEL Classification: Q43, Economic entropy, Macroeconomics, O21. Keywords: Thermodynamics,
Abstract :
The aim of this paper is the classification the economic entropy index in a macroeconomic model. Therefore, the descriptive-analytical methodology and econophysics and systems theory were used. The results show that the economic entropy was divided in four sections, shock entropy, respiration entropy, sleep entropy, and entropy of waste. Increasing the economic entropy index due to the scarcity of environmental resources, predicts the likelihood of an economic catastrophe. This will not only bring about economic growth faces serious problems, but the environment poses a serious problem as a place of residence. According to the results, reducing the instabilities and external stresses to reduce shock entropy, developing the appropriate rules for firms to reduce respiratory entropy, policies based on the reduction of physical and social waste to reduce the entropy of waste and policies for the use of production spaces that are not currently in use to reduce sleep entropy recommended.
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