A comparative approach to the psychological warfare methods of the enemy against the prophetic mission and the Alawite government
Subject Areas : Journal of History (Tarikh)
mojtaba moradikoje
Morteza Khosrowshahi
Seyyed Mohammad Reza Shahim
1 - Master degree in Jurisprudence and Principles, Theological Field, Qom, Iran
2 - Research Assistant of Al-Al-Bayt (A.S.) International Field , Qom, Iran
3 - Master degree in Jurisprudence and Islamic Laws Basics, Quran and Hadith University, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Psychological warfare, prophetic rule, Alevi rule, methods of psychological warfare, Prophet', s mission.,
Abstract :
According to his conditions, man has given various types of war, and psychological war is one of the most important of these types.The history of early Islam in the two phases of the prophetic mission and the Alevi government was not an exception to this rule, and the enemies have used psychological warfare against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Imam Ali (PBUH) in order to protect their interests in many cases. The main question of this research is that what are the similarities and differences between the methods used against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Imam Ali (PBUH)? Based on this, it is assumed that methods such as accusations, incitement, rumors and creating doubts have been used against the Prophet's mission, and methods such as big lies, deception, encouragement and intimidation have been used against the Alevi government. Therefore, by studying the history of the prophetic mission and the Alavi government and extracting and analyzing the psychological actions of the enemies of Islam during that time, we are guided to the fact that there were different operational strategies in the use of psychological warfare methods, which led to the creation of similarities and differences in the use of those methods. The following article uses the descriptive-analytical method and library data to investigate the operational strategies, distinctions and similarities of psychological warfare in the Prophetic and Alawi eras.