Urban morphology knowledge and its usage in studying the urban fabric (the case study: Historical Qazvin city)
Subject Areas :
nasim iranmananesh
mohammad reza pour jafar
karamatollah ziari
Mohammad Reza Khatibi
1 - Ph.D Candidate, Department of urban planning, faculty of Architecture and Urban planning , Islamic Azad university, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Full Professor, Department of Urban planning, Faculty of urban planning and architecture, University of Tarbiat Modaress, Tehran, Iran
3 - Full professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran , Tehran , Iran
4 - Assistant professor, Department of urban planning, faculty of Architecture and Urban planning , Islamic Azad university, Qazvin , Iran
Keywords: Urban morphology knowledge, studying the urban fabric, historical Qazvin city,
Abstract :
Background: urban morphology has different functions in various fields such as heritage and tourism. By the aid of this knowledge there will be more accurate study in urban fabrics of cities specially in historical urban fabric of cities. So it will be better to discuss about how to interrupt and improve the historical urban fabric. Objectives: surveying urban morphology knowledge and its attitudes which are three schools (British school , Italian school and French school) and integrated one which is ISUF and how to use the urban morphology knowledge for better and more systematic analysis of urban fabric specially in heritage and tourism fields to lead a better decision making to interrupt in urban fabric of cities.Method: In this research the Conzenian method have been used. This method is acceptable for most of attitudes of urban morphology. In this method the elements of the form of city are four elements: the natural context, the streets system, the plots system, the buildings system. The historical urban fabric of Qazvin city has been studied by these four elements to find the features of it. Result: By surveying the historical urban fabric of Qazvin city according the four elements of city form it was concluded that using this way is very effective to find out the characteristics of city more clearly.Conclusion: The paper concluded that in surveying the urban morphology knowledge and choosing British method as the common method among the urban morphology schools can be an effective way for better and more clear identification of the features of urban fabric.