Evaluation of the impact of urban-rural migrations on land use changes in metropolitan cities (A Case study of Tabriz Metropolis)
Subject Areas :gholamreza mokhtari farivar 1 , karim hoseinzade delir 2 , hosein nazamfar 3
1 - PhD Student, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 - Departement of Geography and urban planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
3 - , Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Mohaghegh Ardabili University
Keywords: Multivariate regression, Rural-Urban Migration, urban land use changes, metropolitan area of Tabriz,
Abstract :
With their many functions, metropolitan cities have strong relationships with the peripheral areas and especially the villages of the penetration zone, and this has a profound impact on the economic, social, cultural, and even physical aspects of the villages. Economic growth of cities is due to their economic relations. The city and the countryside have the advantages of attracting rural employment, creating out-of-village job opportunities and rural-urban migration. The metropolis of Tabriz, in various historical periods, has played a strong transnational role from Eastern Europe to South and Central Asia, which shows its undeniable role in taking on some strong professional functions to perform this task. This interconnection between the metropolitan city of Tabriz and its sphere of influence, on one hand, extends the physical development of the city to its national metropolis, and on the other hand, the physical development of the surrounding villages and extensive user changes in these villages, along with widespread demographic, economic and cultural changes will be obtained. This issue is the main subject of the present research and its main objective is to monitor and evaluate the role of the expansion of the metropolitan city of Tabriz by urban-rural migrations and its impact on physical changes, in particular, land use changes in the urban areas. This study concerning its purpose is a descriptive one and as the methodology is considered is an applied research which has been developed based on the questionnaires used in the study and analyzing its items. To achieve the objectives of the study, we used the Cronbach, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, T-Student and multivariate regression tests. The results show strong correlation between migration and change indicators if more than 85% of land use variations are expected by the migratory variables.
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