The Feasibility of Capabilities of Karoon River in Establishing and Deploying Leisure-Time Places and Water Sports in Ahvaz
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Mohammadnzhad
Abbas MalekHoseini
1 - Phd candidate of geography & urban planning, geography department, Malayer branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
2 - associate professor at geography & urban planning, geography department, Malayer branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
Keywords: Feasibility Study, Ahvaz, Karoon River, water sports places, water festival,
Abstract :
Some cities have different roles due to their geographical and natural location and trough the formation of rivers. In some cities, such as Ahvaz, since ancient times, with the construction of a dam on the Karun River, the transfer of water for agricultural purposes, drinking, mills and transportation of commercial goods of citizens have been common. The purpose this research is to study the current situation and feasibility study of the potentials and capabilities of spatial, economic, recreational and services appropriate to the population adjacent to Karoon river in Ahvaz. The method of this research is analytical and descriptive and the necessary data were collected through observation, interview, questionnaire and also using documents such as map, statistics, book, article, report. The random sampling method was applied in five municipal districts adjacent to Karoon and two environments, namely, educational and academic ones, were selected to achieve the results of the study. The results of the study showed that in spite of the lack of preparation near Karoon river, the existing potentials and capabilities of the city have not been appropriately tapped.
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