Analysis of the urban fabric using transects Case Study: Urmia city
Subject Areas :Hossein Nazmfar 1 , Ali Eshghei 2 , Monireh Omrani 3
1 - professor of geography urban planning, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil, Ardabil, Iran
2 - PhD of geography and urban planning, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
3 - , PhD student of geography and urban planning, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Landscape, Urban Development, Urmia, urban texture, transect method,
Abstract :
The study of the urban texture highlights the density of built space and open spaces in the city and has an important role in the final decisions to optimize service distribution and improve the quality of urban spaces. This study aimed to investigate the urban texture of Urumia for assessing public open space and green spaces compared to built environments and masses. In order to analyze the data and the quantitative texture of Urumia, transect method was used. The study was a cross- functional one focusing on Urumia. The results showed that in the transect T1 from North-West to South- East of the city, the spaces between 60 and 100 parts of density had been made. The lack of green spaces in parts 80 and 100 and the lack of open spaces in all parts except in parts 34 and 63 is visible. In the transect T2, from the West to the East of the city, the western part of the land had the highest density and the eastern part had the highest density of agricultural land and orchards. In the central part, between parts 30 and 80, there is a deficit passage network. In the transect T3 from the south west to the north east of the city, the density of built spaces in the city center has increased to 85 percent, while the shortage of passage network, especially the shortage of agricultural land and green and open spaces is visible in the middle of the transects 15 to 76. In the transect T4 from the south to the north of the city, built-in compression spaces between parts of the central sections have increased from 40 to 60 and the lack of green and open spaces is clearly evident. In conclusion it can be said that Urumia landscape consists of three types of tissues: the central condensed texture of open green spaces with a minimum and maximum spaces; the edges of the tissue center where the density has somewhat reduced the construction of buildings, and the margin consists of barren land, gardens and agricultural land. In this way, the construction level has decreased from the center to the sides of the city
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