Study of Biofertilizers Effect on Some Physiological and Biochemical Traits of Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. Under Different Soil Moisture Regimes
Subject Areas : Environmental physiology
Ramin Cham
Seyed Ali Abtahi
mojtaba jafarinia
Jafar Yasrebi
1 - Ph.D Student , Department of Soil Science, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht ,Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Soil Science, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht,. Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht,. Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Drought stress, growth-promoting bacteria, Dracocephalum kotschyi, Biochemical and Physiological traits,
Abstract :
Dracocephalum kotschyi is one of the most important medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family, which is endangered due to unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of biofertilizers on changes in some physiological and biochemical traits, the effect of biofertilizers at four levels (nitroxin, super nitroplus, biophosphorus and non-use of biofertilizer) on Dracocephalum kotschyi growth under drought stress at three levels (irrigation until the completion of 80%, 60 and 40% of field capacity), an experiment in 1398 in the form of factorial in a completely randomized design with 3 replications in a greenhouse was carried out. The study of changes in photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf relative water content in Dracocephalum kotschyi in response to various biofertilizers and different irrigation regimes showed that with increasing drought stress, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll along with chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) had a significant decrease. While the use of supernitroplus and biophosphorus biofertilizers in irrigation conditions up to 60 and 40% of field capacity significantly increased the above-mentioned traits in the Dracocephalum kotschyi leaves in comparison with plants treated with nitroxin fertilizer and control plants (Without biofertilizer). Increased drought intensity also caused a significant increase in carbohydrates, soluble proteins, anthocyanins and flavonoids, although the use of biofertilizers containing growth-promoting bacteria, further enhanced the amount of these compounds compared to the control (no fertilizer treatment). The highest levels of anthocyanins (37.82 mg g-1 fresh weight) and flavonoid compounds (16.62 mg g-1 fresh weight) were found in plants grown under severe drought stress (irrigation up to 40% of field capacity) and Biophosphorus application.
Abdel Latef, A.A.H., Abu Alhmad, M.F., Kordrostami, M., Abo–Baker, A.B.A.E. and Zakir, A. 2020. Inoculation with Azospirillum lipoferum or Azotobacter chroococcum reinforces maize growth by improving physiological activities under saline conditions. J. Plant Growth Regul. 39: 1293–1306. DOI: 10.1007/s00344-020-10065-9.
2.Anli, M., Baslam, M., Tahiri, A., Raklami, A., Symanczik, S., Boutasknit, A., El Mokhtar, M. Brn-Laouane, R.B., Toubali, S., Rahou, Y.A., Chitt, M.A., Oufdou, K., Mitsui, T., Hafidi, M., and Meddich. A. 2020. Biofertilizers as strategies to improve photosynthetic apparatus. Growth. and drought stress tolerance in the date palm. Front. Plant Sci. /10.3389/ fpls.2020. 516818.
3.Asadi, A.M., and Khoshnoodi Yazdi, A. 2010. Investigation of ecological characteristics of Dracocephalum kotschy Boiss. In the pastures of Bojnourd city. Iranian Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research. 26(3): 406- 414.
5.Bahrami, Kh., Omidbeigi, R. 2002. The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on fertility and quality of the active ingredient of the medicinal plant Phagopyrum. Master Thesis in Horticulture. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Trabiat Modares University.
6.Bradford, M.M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72: 248-54.
7.Da Costa, R.M.F., Simister, R., Roberts, L.A., Timms-Taravella, E., Cambler, A.B., Corke, F.M.K., Han, J., Ward, R.J., Buckeridge, M., Gomez, L.D., and Bosch, M. 2019. Nutrient and drought stress: implications for phenology and biomass quality in miscanthus. Annals of Botany, 124 (4): 553-566.
8.Dekankova, K., Luxova, M., GaS parikova, O. and Kolarovi, C.L. 2004. Response of maize plants to water stress. Biologia 13: 151-155.
9.Ding, L., Lu, Z., Gao, L., Guo, S., and Shen, Q. 2018. Is nitrogen a key determinant of water transport and photosynthesis in higher plants upon drought stress Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1143. /fpls.2018.01143.
10.Davari Nejad, G.H., Shirani, S., and Zareie, M. 2015. The effect of irrigation regimes on some morphophysiological characteristics of four fig cultivars. Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 9 (4): 500-517.
11.Duo, L.A., Liu, C.X., and Zhao. S.L. 2018. Alleviation of drought stress in turf grass by the combined application of nano-compost and microbes from compost. Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 65: 419-426. DOI: 10.1134/ S1021443718030 10X.
12.Ehsani, A., Mozafarian, W., and Najafpour Nouraei, M. 2014. Investigation of distribution and introduction of medicinal species of mint (Lamiaceae) in Mazandaran province. Second National Conference on Medicinal Plants and Sustainable Agriculture. Hamedan, https://
13.Enebak, S.A., Wei, G., and Kloepper, J.W. 1997. Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on loblolly and slash pine seedlings. Forest Sci. 44: 139-144.
14.Gao, C., El-Sawah, A., Ali, D.F.I. Hamoud, Y.A., Shaghaleh, H., and Sheteiwy, M.S. 2020. The integration of bio and organic fertilizers improve plant growth, grain yield, quality and metabolism of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.). Agronomy. 10(3): 319. 10.3390/agronomy10030319.
15.Ghorbanli, M., Bakhshi Khaniki, G.R., and Zakeri, A. 2011. The effect of drought stress on antioxidant compounds in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research. 27(4): 647-658.
16.Fakhr Tabatabai, M. 1995. Living Nature: A Systemic Clash. Publishing Joint Stock Company, Tehran. P 384.
17.Golshani, S., Karamkhani, F., Monsef esfehani, H.R. and Abdollahi, M. 2004. Antinociptive effects of the essential oil of Dracocephalum kotschyi in the mouse writhing test. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(1): 76-79.
18.Gurrieri, L., Merico, M., Trost, P., Forlani, G., and Sparla, F. 2020. Impact of drought on soluble sugars and free proline content in selected Arabidopsis mutants. 9(11): 367. /10.3390/biology9110367.
19.Hsiao, A. 2000. Effect of water deficit on morphological and physiological characterizes in Rice (Oryza sativa). J. Agri. 3: 93-97.
20.Hughes. S.G., Bryant. J.A., and Smirinoff, N. 1989. Molecular biology. Application to studies of stress tolerance. In: Plants under stress. Pp: 131-135.
21.Jahan. M., and Nasiri Mahallati, M. 2012. Soil fertility and biological fertilizers (agroecological approach). Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Publications. P250.
22.Jahanian, F., Ebrahimi, S.A., Rahbar Roshandel, N., and Mahmoudian, M. 2005. Xanthomicrol is the main cytotoxic component of Dracocephalum kotschyii and a potential anti-cancer agent. Phytochemistry, 66(13): 1581-1592.
23.Javan Gholiloo. M., Yarnia, M., Ghorttapeh, A.H., Farahvash. F., and Daneshian, A.M. 2019. Evaluating effects of drought stress and bio-fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative traits of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.). J. Plant Nut. 42: 1417–1429. doi: 10.1080/01904167.2019.1628972.
24.Kafi, M., Borzooei, A., Salehi, M., Kamandi, A., Masumi, A. and Nabati, J. 2009. Physiology of environmental stresses in plants. Jahad of University of Mashhad University Press. 502 p.
25.Karimi, Gh., Ghorbanli, M., Heydari Sharif Abad, H., and Osareh, M. 2006. Survey for resistance to salinity in pasture species (Atriplex vertucifera M. B). Journal of Research and Building. 3(73): 42-48.
27.Kheirizadeh Arough, Y., Seyed Sharifi, R., and Seyed Sharifi, R. 2016. Bio fertilizers and zinc effects on some physiological parameters of triticale under water-limitation condition. International Journal of Interactions,
28.Kloepper, J.W., Lifshitz, R., and Zablotowicz, R.M. 1989. Free-living bacterial inocula for enhancing crop productity. Trends Biotechnol, 7: 39-43.
30.Majidian, A., Ghalavand, M., Haghighati, A., and Karimian, A. 2007. Translation error effect of drought stress, chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer at different growth stages on agronomic characteristics of corn. Proceedings of the 2th National Conference on Ecology. (In Persian).
33.Parakash, V., and Singh, S. 2020. A review on potential plant-based water stress indicators for vegetable crops. Sustainability 12: 3945. DOI: 10.3390/su12103945.
34.Prakash, M., and Ramachandran, K. 2000. Effects of moisture stress and anti transpirantsion leaf chlorophyll. Soluble protein and photosynthetic rate in brinjal plants. Journal of Agronomy 184: 153-156.
35.Rahdari. P., and Hoseini, S.M. 2012. Drought Stress: A Review. Intl J Agron Plant Prod 3:443-446.
38.Ritchie, S.W., Nyvgen, H.I., and Halady, A.S. 1990. Leaf water content and gas exchange parameters of two wheat genotypes differing in drought resistance. Crop Sci. 30: 105-111.
39.Sandhya. V., Ali, S.K.Z., Grover, M. Reddy, G., and Venkateswaralu, B. 2010. Effect of plant growth promoting Pseudomonas spp. on compatible solutes antioxidant status and plant growth of maize under drought stress. Plant Growth Regulation 62(1): 21-30.
41.Shaharoona, B., Arshad, M., and Zahir, Z.A. 2006. Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria containing ACC deaminase on maize (Zea mays L.) growth under axenic conditions and on nodulation in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). Letters in Applied Microbiology. 42(2): 155-159.
42.Shirani Bidabadi, S., and Mehralian, M. 2020. Seed bio-priming to improve germination, seedling growth and essential oil yield of Dracocephalum Kotschyi Boiss, an Endangered Medicinal Plant in Iran. Gesunde Pflanzen, 72(1): 17-27.
43.Shirani Bidabadi, S., and Sharifi P. 2021. Strigolactone and methyl Jasmonate-induced antioxidant defense and the composition alterations of different active compounds in Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss under drought stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 40: 878- 889.
44.Sonboli. A. Mirzania, F., and Gholipour, A. 2018. Essential oil composition of Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss., from Iran. Natural Product Research doi: 10.1080/14786419.2018.1482550.
45.Sperdouli, I., and Moustakas, M. 2012. Interaction of proline, sugars. and anthocyanins during photosynthetic acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to drought stress. J. Plant Physiol. 169: 577–585.
46.Sun, Y., Wang, C., Chen, H.Y.H., and Ruan, H. 2020. Response of plants to water stress: A Meta-Analysis. Front. Plant Sci. 11:978. /10.3389/fpls.2020.00978.
Abdel Latef, A.A.H., Abu Alhmad, M.F., Kordrostami, M., Abo–Baker, A.B.A.E. and Zakir, A. 2020. Inoculation with Azospirillum lipoferum or Azotobacter chroococcum reinforces maize growth by improving physiological activities under saline conditions. J. Plant Growth Regul. 39: 1293–1306. DOI: 10.1007/s00344-020-10065-9.
2.Anli, M., Baslam, M., Tahiri, A., Raklami, A., Symanczik, S., Boutasknit, A., El Mokhtar, M. Brn-Laouane, R.B., Toubali, S., Rahou, Y.A., Chitt, M.A., Oufdou, K., Mitsui, T., Hafidi, M., and Meddich. A. 2020. Biofertilizers as strategies to improve photosynthetic apparatus. Growth. and drought stress tolerance in the date palm. Front. Plant Sci. /10.3389/ fpls.2020. 516818.
3.Asadi, A.M., and Khoshnoodi Yazdi, A. 2010. Investigation of ecological characteristics of Dracocephalum kotschy Boiss. In the pastures of Bojnourd city. Iranian Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research. 26(3): 406- 414.
5.Bahrami, Kh., Omidbeigi, R. 2002. The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on fertility and quality of the active ingredient of the medicinal plant Phagopyrum. Master Thesis in Horticulture. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Trabiat Modares University.
6.Bradford, M.M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72: 248-54.
7.Da Costa, R.M.F., Simister, R., Roberts, L.A., Timms-Taravella, E., Cambler, A.B., Corke, F.M.K., Han, J., Ward, R.J., Buckeridge, M., Gomez, L.D., and Bosch, M. 2019. Nutrient and drought stress: implications for phenology and biomass quality in miscanthus. Annals of Botany, 124 (4): 553-566.
8.Dekankova, K., Luxova, M., GaS parikova, O. and Kolarovi, C.L. 2004. Response of maize plants to water stress. Biologia 13: 151-155.
9.Ding, L., Lu, Z., Gao, L., Guo, S., and Shen, Q. 2018. Is nitrogen a key determinant of water transport and photosynthesis in higher plants upon drought stress Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1143. /fpls.2018.01143.
10.Davari Nejad, G.H., Shirani, S., and Zareie, M. 2015. The effect of irrigation regimes on some morphophysiological characteristics of four fig cultivars. Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 9 (4): 500-517.
11.Duo, L.A., Liu, C.X., and Zhao. S.L. 2018. Alleviation of drought stress in turf grass by the combined application of nano-compost and microbes from compost. Russ. J. Plant Physiol. 65: 419-426. DOI: 10.1134/ S1021443718030 10X.
12.Ehsani, A., Mozafarian, W., and Najafpour Nouraei, M. 2014. Investigation of distribution and introduction of medicinal species of mint (Lamiaceae) in Mazandaran province. Second National Conference on Medicinal Plants and Sustainable Agriculture. Hamedan, https://
13.Enebak, S.A., Wei, G., and Kloepper, J.W. 1997. Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on loblolly and slash pine seedlings. Forest Sci. 44: 139-144.
14.Gao, C., El-Sawah, A., Ali, D.F.I. Hamoud, Y.A., Shaghaleh, H., and Sheteiwy, M.S. 2020. The integration of bio and organic fertilizers improve plant growth, grain yield, quality and metabolism of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.). Agronomy. 10(3): 319. 10.3390/agronomy10030319.
15.Ghorbanli, M., Bakhshi Khaniki, G.R., and Zakeri, A. 2011. The effect of drought stress on antioxidant compounds in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research. 27(4): 647-658.
16.Fakhr Tabatabai, M. 1995. Living Nature: A Systemic Clash. Publishing Joint Stock Company, Tehran. P 384.
17.Golshani, S., Karamkhani, F., Monsef esfehani, H.R. and Abdollahi, M. 2004. Antinociptive effects of the essential oil of Dracocephalum kotschyi in the mouse writhing test. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(1): 76-79.
18.Gurrieri, L., Merico, M., Trost, P., Forlani, G., and Sparla, F. 2020. Impact of drought on soluble sugars and free proline content in selected Arabidopsis mutants. 9(11): 367. /10.3390/biology9110367.
19.Hsiao, A. 2000. Effect of water deficit on morphological and physiological characterizes in Rice (Oryza sativa). J. Agri. 3: 93-97.
20.Hughes. S.G., Bryant. J.A., and Smirinoff, N. 1989. Molecular biology. Application to studies of stress tolerance. In: Plants under stress. Pp: 131-135.
21.Jahan. M., and Nasiri Mahallati, M. 2012. Soil fertility and biological fertilizers (agroecological approach). Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Publications. P250.
22.Jahanian, F., Ebrahimi, S.A., Rahbar Roshandel, N., and Mahmoudian, M. 2005. Xanthomicrol is the main cytotoxic component of Dracocephalum kotschyii and a potential anti-cancer agent. Phytochemistry, 66(13): 1581-1592.
23.Javan Gholiloo. M., Yarnia, M., Ghorttapeh, A.H., Farahvash. F., and Daneshian, A.M. 2019. Evaluating effects of drought stress and bio-fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative traits of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.). J. Plant Nut. 42: 1417–1429. doi: 10.1080/01904167.2019.1628972.
24.Kafi, M., Borzooei, A., Salehi, M., Kamandi, A., Masumi, A. and Nabati, J. 2009. Physiology of environmental stresses in plants. Jahad of University of Mashhad University Press. 502 p.
25.Karimi, Gh., Ghorbanli, M., Heydari Sharif Abad, H., and Osareh, M. 2006. Survey for resistance to salinity in pasture species (Atriplex vertucifera M. B). Journal of Research and Building. 3(73): 42-48.
27.Kheirizadeh Arough, Y., Seyed Sharifi, R., and Seyed Sharifi, R. 2016. Bio fertilizers and zinc effects on some physiological parameters of triticale under water-limitation condition. International Journal of Interactions,
28.Kloepper, J.W., Lifshitz, R., and Zablotowicz, R.M. 1989. Free-living bacterial inocula for enhancing crop productity. Trends Biotechnol, 7: 39-43.
30.Majidian, A., Ghalavand, M., Haghighati, A., and Karimian, A. 2007. Translation error effect of drought stress, chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer at different growth stages on agronomic characteristics of corn. Proceedings of the 2th National Conference on Ecology. (In Persian).
33.Parakash, V., and Singh, S. 2020. A review on potential plant-based water stress indicators for vegetable crops. Sustainability 12: 3945. DOI: 10.3390/su12103945.
34.Prakash, M., and Ramachandran, K. 2000. Effects of moisture stress and anti transpirantsion leaf chlorophyll. Soluble protein and photosynthetic rate in brinjal plants. Journal of Agronomy 184: 153-156.
35.Rahdari. P., and Hoseini, S.M. 2012. Drought Stress: A Review. Intl J Agron Plant Prod 3:443-446.
38.Ritchie, S.W., Nyvgen, H.I., and Halady, A.S. 1990. Leaf water content and gas exchange parameters of two wheat genotypes differing in drought resistance. Crop Sci. 30: 105-111.
39.Sandhya. V., Ali, S.K.Z., Grover, M. Reddy, G., and Venkateswaralu, B. 2010. Effect of plant growth promoting Pseudomonas spp. on compatible solutes antioxidant status and plant growth of maize under drought stress. Plant Growth Regulation 62(1): 21-30.
41.Shaharoona, B., Arshad, M., and Zahir, Z.A. 2006. Effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria containing ACC deaminase on maize (Zea mays L.) growth under axenic conditions and on nodulation in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). Letters in Applied Microbiology. 42(2): 155-159.
42.Shirani Bidabadi, S., and Mehralian, M. 2020. Seed bio-priming to improve germination, seedling growth and essential oil yield of Dracocephalum Kotschyi Boiss, an Endangered Medicinal Plant in Iran. Gesunde Pflanzen, 72(1): 17-27.
43.Shirani Bidabadi, S., and Sharifi P. 2021. Strigolactone and methyl Jasmonate-induced antioxidant defense and the composition alterations of different active compounds in Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss under drought stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 40: 878- 889.
44.Sonboli. A. Mirzania, F., and Gholipour, A. 2018. Essential oil composition of Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss., from Iran. Natural Product Research doi: 10.1080/14786419.2018.1482550.
45.Sperdouli, I., and Moustakas, M. 2012. Interaction of proline, sugars. and anthocyanins during photosynthetic acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to drought stress. J. Plant Physiol. 169: 577–585.
46.Sun, Y., Wang, C., Chen, H.Y.H., and Ruan, H. 2020. Response of plants to water stress: A Meta-Analysis. Front. Plant Sci. 11:978. /10.3389/fpls.2020.00978.