The impact of prevailing wind changes on Mashhad airport flights with climate change approach
Subject Areas : Climatology
محمد خلیل نژاد محمد خلیل نژاد
رضا برنا
منوچهر فرج زاده اصل منوچهر فرج زاده اصل
1 - دانشجوی مقطع دکتری تخصصی آب و هواشناسی، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران (
2 - دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، واحد اهواز، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اهواز، ایران (نویسنده مسول) (
3 - - استاد گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران
Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS), Flood, HEC-HMS model, Fuzzy Overlay, Rudball,
Abstract :
Floods are one of the most frequent and destructive natural disasters that cause severe financial and financial losses every year. Flood damage is on the rise due to human manipulation of river systems and river construction. In this regard, one of the most important non-structural measures to reduce flood damage is the preparation of flood risk zoning maps and their use in spatial planning. In this regard, the HEC-HMS model was used to simulate rainfall-runoff and identify flood zones and fuzzy logic was used to overlay the subject layers and prepare the flood line map. The simulation results show the high efficiency of HEC-HMS model in simulation of rainfall-runoff of Rudball catchment and estimation of peak flood discharges. The conversion of rainfall to runoff at the surface of the Rudball Basin is mainly controlled by geomorphometry and land cover. The highest peak runoff and peak flow rates are in the upstream sub-basins of the Rudball Basin. This is due to high slope, low soil permeability, abundance of impermeable surfaces and high CN. The combination of thematic layers using fuzzy logic showed that about 8.6% of the basin area was located in areas with high risk of flooding. These zones mainly correspond to the floodplain of the Rudbal River. These lands are always exposed to floods due to the low valley and low slope. Most of the settlements in the study area are located downstream of the basin. This has increased the risk of flooding.
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17- Irvine, Emma A .Shine, Keith P And Stringer, Marc A. (2016): What Are The Implications Of Climate Change For Trans-Atlantic Aircraft Routing And Flight Time? Transportation Research, Part D: Transport And Environment, Vol. 47, Pp 44-53, Available At:
18- Koetse, Mark J. Rietveld, Piet. (2009): The Impact Of Climate Change And Weather On Transport: An Overview Of Empirical Findings, Transportation Research Part D: Transport And Environment, Vol. 14, May 2009, Pp 205-221, Available At:
19- Lovea, Geoff. Soares, Alice And Herbert Puempel (2010): Climate Change, Climate Variability And Transportation, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 1, Pp 130–145.
20- Mangini, Fabio. Irvine, Emma A. Shine, Keith P. (2018): The Dependence Of Minimum Time Routes Over The North Atlantic On Cruise Altitude, Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 25, Pp 655-664, Available At: <Doi.Org/10.1002/Met.1733>.
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23- Williams, Paul D. (2016): Transatlantic Flight Times And Climate Change, Environmental Research Letters. Available At: <Http://Iopscience.Iop.Org/Article/10.1088/1748-9326/11/2/024008/Pdf>.
24- Zhou, Tianjun. Ren, Liwen. Liu, Haiwen And Jingwen Lu. (2018): Impact Of 1.5°C And 2.0°C Global Warming On Aircraft Takeoff Performance In China, Science Bulletin, Vol. 63, Pp 700–707, Available At: <Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Scib.2018.03.018>.
1- اویسی، خسرو و رحمت اله حکیمی(1394): برنامهریزی و طراحی فرودگاه چاپ دوم، تهران، دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر(پلی تکنیک تهران)، مرکز نشر.
2- برنا، رضا و محمد خلیل نژاد(1398): بررسی نقش عناصر آب و هوا در سوانح هوانوردی، دومین کنفرانس ملی هوانوردی عمومی، پژوهشگاه هوافضا، فردوس، 23 تا 25 بهمن 1398.
3- بهبهانی، حمید و مختار ایمانی(1376): طرح و محاسبه فرودگاه ، تهران، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران.
4- ترولیپ، استنلی آر و ریچارد اس جنسن(1991): عوامل انسانی در هواپیمایی عمومی، ترجمۀ علیاکبر پژهان منش، تهران، دفتر تحقیقات کاربردی هواپیمایی ناجا.
5- صفار زاده، محمود و همکاران(1393): برنامهریزی و طراحی فرودگاه، جلد اول، چاپ چهارم، ویرایش دوم، تهران، پژوهشکده حمل و نقل، مرکز تحقیقات راه، مسکن و شهرسازی.
6- علیجانی، بهلول(1395): یادداشتهای کلاسی، درس مدلسازی آب و هوایی، واحد علوم و تحقیقات دانشگاه آزاد، مقطع دکتری، پاییز 1395.
7- گودرزی، مسعود. حسینی، اسعد و ابراهیم مسگری(1395): مدلهای آب و هواشناسی، زنجان، آذر کلک.
8- محمدی، حسین(1389): آب و هواشناسی کاربردی چاپ سوم، تهران، انتشارات دانشگاه تهران.
9- مشکوتی، امیرحسین(1394): کاربرد مدلهای آماری در ارزیابی تغییر اقلیم و آثار آن (مدلهای LARS-WG و SDSM)، تهران، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد علوم و تحقیقات.
10- سازمان هواشناسی کشور، دفتر مرجع ملی هیات بینالدولی تغییر اقلیم(1396): آشکارسازی، ارزیابی اثرات و چشمانداز تغییر اقلیم در ایران طی قرن بیست و یکم، ویرایش 23/ 08/1396،
11- Burbidge, Rachel (2015): Avoiding The Predictable Surprise: Early Action Is The Key To Building A Climate Resilient Aviation Network, Wiley Online Library,
12- Burbidge, Rachel (2016): Adapting European Airports To A Changing Climate, 6th Transport Research Arena, April 18-21, 2016, Pp 14-23, <Doi: 10.1016/J.Trpro.2016.05.036>.
13- Coffel, E. And Horton, R. (2015): Climate Change And The Impact Of Extreme Temperatures On Aviation. Weather, Climate And Society, Vol. 7, Pp 94-102,
14- Eurocontrol (2013): Challenges Of Growth 2013: Climate Change Risk And Resilience, Available At:
15- Faa (Federal Aviation Administration). (2016): Airplane Flying Handbook, U.S. Department Of Transportation, Available At: <Www.Faa.Gov/Library/Manuals/Aviation>.
16- Icao (International Civil Aviation Organization). (2009): Annex 14: Aerodromes, Volume I, Aerodrome Design And Operations, Fifth Edition.
17- Irvine, Emma A .Shine, Keith P And Stringer, Marc A. (2016): What Are The Implications Of Climate Change For Trans-Atlantic Aircraft Routing And Flight Time? Transportation Research, Part D: Transport And Environment, Vol. 47, Pp 44-53, Available At:
18- Koetse, Mark J. Rietveld, Piet. (2009): The Impact Of Climate Change And Weather On Transport: An Overview Of Empirical Findings, Transportation Research Part D: Transport And Environment, Vol. 14, May 2009, Pp 205-221, Available At:
19- Lovea, Geoff. Soares, Alice And Herbert Puempel (2010): Climate Change, Climate Variability And Transportation, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 1, Pp 130–145.
20- Mangini, Fabio. Irvine, Emma A. Shine, Keith P. (2018): The Dependence Of Minimum Time Routes Over The North Atlantic On Cruise Altitude, Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 25, Pp 655-664, Available At: <Doi.Org/10.1002/Met.1733>.
21- Thompson, Russell D And Allen Perry (1997): Applied Climatology Principles And Practice, London, Routledge.
22- Williams, Paul D And Manoj M. Joshi (2013): Intensification Of Winter Transatlantic Aviation Turbulence In Response To Climate Change, Nature Climate Change, Available At: <Https://Www.Nature.Com/Articles/Nclimate1866>.
23- Williams, Paul D. (2016): Transatlantic Flight Times And Climate Change, Environmental Research Letters. Available At: <Http://Iopscience.Iop.Org/Article/10.1088/1748-9326/11/2/024008/Pdf>.
24- Zhou, Tianjun. Ren, Liwen. Liu, Haiwen And Jingwen Lu. (2018): Impact Of 1.5°C And 2.0°C Global Warming On Aircraft Takeoff Performance In China, Science Bulletin, Vol. 63, Pp 700–707, Available At: <Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Scib.2018.03.018>.