Determination of the effective factors in prediction of traffic created from urban applications. (Sample item, Neyshabur)
Subject Areas :
Rostam Saberifar
Ahmad Khaderian
1 - Associate Professor in Geography and Urban Planning Department, Payam Noor University, 19395-4697 Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor in Geography and Urban Planning Department, Payam Noor University, 19395-4697 Tehran, Iran
Keywords: traffic prediction, urban land use, trip generation, commercial and official land uses, Neyshabur city,
Abstract :
The purpose of this paper was to determination of the effective factors in prediction of traffic created from urban applications in Neyshabour. This study has been performed by descriptive in the form of correlation of prediction. Field data has been gathered, in case of a questionnaire. The case study in poll section determine 60 person in basis of Morgan chart that were separated into two groups in each 30 persons between employees in urban administration and other people. Data that gathered in this way analyzed by use of spss. The results showed that number of employees in each land use or its functions, has undeniable role in increasing the scale of traffic production (P= 0/000), but other noted factors can’t predict it however urban lists are related to the scale of traffic production. The number of employees in each land use is also clarified in this research. We can say that urban administration have to estimate any amount of traffic before getting any license for land use change or localization and specific performance and also estimate its effect over the entire transport ion net .
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