Locating bike routes Metropolis Ahvaz
Subject Areas :
Saeid Amanpoor
Mehdi Alizadeh
Alireza Parvizian
Hajar Ahmadi
1 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban planning, Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - MSc Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - MSc Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
4 - MSc Student in Geography and Village Planning, Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Design, Route, Ahwaz, cycling, switching location,
Abstract :
In the 21st century a large and compelling reasons exist to encourage cycling. Bicycle undeniable role in the development of tourism activities, increase the value of the land, occupy less urban space, industrial recruitment, increased employment and local commerce plays. Transportation by biking to increasingly reduce traffic problems, pollution, expensive road infrastructure, congestion events, compared to personal vehicles. Ahvaz due to its high population and the natural potential and infrastructure that is needed to design the bike path And the priority is to join those cities in the world in terms of technology the bike at top level. For the purpose of locating and design of bicycle paths in the city of Ahvaz, slope indicators, safety, beauty, comfort, continuity and clarity Previous research by studying domestic and foreign, Delphi technique, and experts' viewpoints And with respect to the Bank spatial data is extracted Ahvaz. Due to the different impact indicators mentioned above, the hybrid model GIS-AHP-FUSSY and Network Analyst Tools tool for the evaluation and preparation of spatial model parameters are used. In addition to identifying the most important elements affecting the locating and design of bicycle paths in the city of Ahvaz Determine the best path route suggestions can be key finding of this study.
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