Foreign Defendants: A Delphi study on the causes of underwater flooding in Ardabil province
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of YouthFarshad Movaffagh 1 , Samad Abedini 2 , Robabe Pourjabali 3
1 - Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal Branch/Faculty of Humanities/Department of Sociology/ Social Issues Orientation
2 - Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal Branch, Department of Sociology, Department of Sociology
3 - Department of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan branch
Abstract :
Foreign defendants are used for those who not only have not broken the law, but according to the label they eat, act as if they have done so. The purpose of this article is to identify the causes of underwater flooding in Ardabil to study 29 experts Ardabil was selected as a snowball sampling method and a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared based on semi-structured interview criteria and provided to experts. Showed that there is agreement and consensus among experts and also the weighted average of factors showed that social, psychological and personal, legal and religious factors have a priority of 1 to 4, respectively. Therefore, officials should try to achieve this. Indicators of these factors policy.
Keywords: Alien Defendants, Social Agent, Psychological Agent, Legal Agent, Religious Agent, Labeling
Underwater behavior is common in many societies that, despite the lack of compensation for socialization of individuals and individual and psychological reinforcing characteristics, have limited resources and facilities or the unequal distribution of resources. And the scarce resources available to a minority are limited and unequal
Undermining, or more simply, unjustly destroying others to assert oneself or to achieve unjust and illegitimate interests, is rooted in jealousy, gossip, gossip, flattery, searching in the lives and privacy of others, jealousy, lies, distorting reality, and dozens of other characteristics. It is an abomination whose ugliness is not hidden from anyone. Inadequate socialization and education, jealousy, competition, resentment and enmity, weakness in expertise and lack of social trust are among the reasons for underwater. Sometimes in organizations, underwater causes wear and tear in the workplace. Because the mechanism of evaluating the performance of people is such that it does not have the slightest expectation to improve the performance and behavior of people in work processes, naturally one should not expect constructive health and competition from evaluators. When the basis is not the promotion and development of competence, the pervasiveness of underwater pathological behaviors will be more likely to occur and will eventually affect other healthy areas of the organization.
Chinese speech, stolen listening, hypocrisy, instrumental use of public beliefs and culture, jealousy. (2012 & Malone, Hayes), etc., are rooted in social anomalies and are examples of underwater. The destruction of others (underwater) is one of the factors affecting the inefficiency of organizations.
The results of Islamic research et al. Show that jealousy, resentment, greed and high Machiavellianism are among the individual factors of underwater. People with high Machiavellian traits tend to win, and their main focus is on the task at hand and what not. For this reason, they use the people under their control as a tool to achieve their task. Other personal factors affecting underwater in organizations can be the lack of ability and competence in the underwater person, internal complications and inferiority, lack of self-confidence and also the weakness of religious beliefs (Islami et al., 2019 )
Some researchers consider the causes of underwater in organizations to be managerial. The reason for this is the role and importance that managers can play in increasing and decreasing this behavior. Oral and superficial managers, manager's support and association with underwater women, manager's ill-considered and discriminatory behavior, lack of scientific and technical communication channels to receive information, manager's low awareness of staff competencies, low familiarity of new managers with the organization's people Also, the manager's excessive trust in underwater women is a representative of the intensification of managerial factors (Duffy et al, 2012).
The results of Yousefi Zanouz et al. (2016) showed that in the individual dimension, negative social comparison was in the first place, cognitive assessment of the better future of others was in the second place and awareness of the abilities of others were in the third place. Also in the organizational dimension, low level of fairness and justice in the organization were in the first place, performance evaluation was in the second place and leader-member interaction were in the third place.
The results of Jamshidzadi et al. (2022) show that individual, organizational and environmental factors have a great impact on underwater.
The results of other researches also show that lack of meritocracy in the organization, lack of organizational culture based on ethics, party and group interests, weakness in teaching appropriate organizational behaviors, lack of rules and regulations to observe ethical principles in the organization, low job security, rich and Lack of job challenge, weak and inappropriate communication between employees and each other, as well as feelings of injustice and inequality are organizational factors affecting underwater behavior (Scholl et al., 2020)
Sociologically, underwater diving is a reactionary behavior and shows that labeling is a psychological social flow that affects a person's self-image and gradually a conscious commitment to this action is formed. Labeling can have an impact In sociology, foreign defendants are used for those who not only have not broken the law, but according to the label they eat, behave as if they have done so (Sotoudeh, 2000).
Foreign defendants who are unaware of the act committed about themselves, and female laborers who marginalize the actions of other individuals from their work cycle and job positions and responsibilities, although they promote themselves, but in the long run to the organization And hit society.
Therefore, paying attention to underwater is more important because it leads to the mental health of the workplace and causes people to not face negative and depreciation concerns in an environment where they sometimes experience being with their family for more than the time. Energy will be wasted. Specialized and sometimes committed human resources will not be able to be present in the workplace, and these areas of development and achieving lofty goals will be taken away from society.
Cities that had a dominant traditional structure and are involved in anomie in the balance of elements of traditional and modern culture, and on the other hand have limited resources to access positions and positions. Ardabil also provides grounds for underwater due to having such a feature. Therefore, the present study seeks to identify the causes of underwater in Ardabil province from the point of view of specialists and experts.
Theoretical foundations of underwater behavior
Undermining, or more simply, unjustly destroying others to assert oneself or to achieve unjust and illegitimate interests, is rooted in jealousy, gossip, gossip, flattery, searching in the lives and privacy of others, jealousy, lies, distorting reality, and dozens of other characteristics. It is an abomination whose ugliness is not hidden from anyone. Inadequate socialization and upbringing, jealousy, competition, resentment and enmity, lack of expertise and lack of social trust are among the reasons for underwater. Sometimes in organizations, underwater causes wear and tear in the workplace. Because the mechanism of evaluating the performance of people is such that it does not have the slightest expectation to improve the performance and behavior of people in work processes, naturally one should not expect constructive health and competition from evaluators. When the basis is not the promotion and development of competence, the pervasiveness of underwater pathological behaviors will be more likely to occur and will eventually affect other healthy areas of the organization. Paying attention to this issue becomes more important because it leads to the mental health of the work environment and prevents people from experiencing negative and depreciation concerns in an environment where they sometimes experience spending more time with family. This causes energy. Loss of specialized and sometimes committed human resources can not be present in the workplace, and these areas of development and achievement of lofty goals will be taken away from society.
Many sociologists of this theory believe that social groups create the law and determine what behavior and under what conditions. When a law is enacted, a person who violates it and fails to conform to the rules of the group is called an alien. Howard Becker argues that label theory is based on the hypothesis that laws make society and maps are not uniformly observed by individuals. Perversions may be defined differently at different times and places, and even a group of people may break the law but not be called perverts. Accordingly, the labeling theory states that deviant behavior depends on how much people respect that law. This theory divides people into four groups before the law: 1- Companions: They are people who do not disobey the rules of the group and act according to the plans. 2. True perverts: There are people who break the law and are punished and fined for it. 3- Hidden perversion: Persons who secretly break the law and are not punished; Like those who secretly use alcohol or drugs. 4. Alien defendants: Those who do not break the law, but act as if they have done so. Of these four categories, there are the fourth category that are labeled by others, for example, black people in American society (Sotoudeh, 2001).
Howard Becker and his colleagues have presented their views on this issue in the form of a theory called "labeling theory". In general, the labeling view began with the assumption that crime is a social process. The focus of this view is on the nature of the interaction that takes place between the offender and the criminal authorities. Labeling theorists argue that it is primarily the actions of the penal system and its authorities that determine what should be considered a crime, and in their view, criminalizing the behavior or criminalization of a particular individual depends on the individuals who practice such labeling. In fact, those who hold positions of power within the penal system define the specific actions of certain individuals as criminal acts (quoted in: Mumtaz, 2003, ١٠٧).
Labeling theorists claim that it is primarily the actions of the penal system and its authorities that determine what should be criminalized. In other words, in their view, criminalizing the behavior or criminalization of a particular person depends on the people who put such a label in practice. In fact, the main title of the crime is given to people who have the power to enter the label (White and Hines, 2007: 185).
Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. This aspect of labeling views labels as an independent variable and a causal factor that creates deviant behavior. This problem can occur in two ways: 1- The label may attract the attention of the female audience of the label, cause them to look at the label and follow; 2- The label may be internalized by the person and lead to the acceptance of some kind of self-concept of deviation. Each of these two processes may lead to the reinforcement of misbehavior and the creation of a deviant profession (Williams and McShane, 2007: 155).
. In this view, labels are divided into formal and informal labels: formal labels are affixed by professionals and executives, and informal labels are affixed by family and friends (Danes et al., 1997). Informal labels are more effective than formal labels. (Lou et al., 2000: 499).
According to interactionists, individuals' behaviors are shaped by the reactions of others, and when others stigmatize personal actions, the individual is often forced to play a perverted role. Sociologically, underwater is a reactionary behavior in society. It shows that labeling is a socio-psychological current that affects the image of the individual. From this point of view, it is a social phenomenon that is formed within society. How we view ourselves and the actions we take affect how others react to us. If others treat us differently, we will think differently and behave differently.
When a person or situation is stigmatized, the stigmatizer is usually in a position to take advantage of such a situation. The stigmatizer must have a negative stigma and the power to attach it. Stigmatization is often done by someone whose job is stigmatization, for example, social control agents, journalists, choosing to stigmatize others is often a sign of success in such work.
Once a person is stigmatized, he or she is often expected to continue his or her transgressions. This can limit the stigmatized person's opportunities in life and force him or her to develop his or her perverted role.
Thus, in the final conclusion of the labeling approach, it can be claimed that if someone is labeled for any reason that he does not know, it makes him a foreign defendant who is not aware of his own crime and is a practical victim. It turns out that the woman has planned for him underwater.
One of the social problems that afflicts people in today's society and is acknowledged by many social experts and behavioral experts, is the phenomenon of underwatering, which is very common today in administrative relations and destructive competition of managerial and professional quality and is an unsuitable alternative to a worthy one. In order to achieve Iranian-Islamic progress, we need the presence of competent, compassionate and committed people in executive positions, but unfortunately, immoral and abnormal ways to achieve rare positions cause the spread of hidden underwater behavior of women. That a person in the direction of self-interest to achieve personal goals and interests instead of healthy competition and the path of career advancement and development by using the potential and inherent competence and from this path is promoted. Collective ones, such as bureaucracies, sometimes lead to a loss of job credibility of an individual or individuals and become an organizational habit.
Undermining or, more simply, unjustly destroying others to assert oneself or to achieve unjust and illegitimate interests, rooted in jealousy, gossip, gossip, flattery, search in the life and privacy of others, jealousy, lies, distorting reality and dozens of characteristics It is an abomination whose ugliness is not hidden from anyone. Inadequate socialization and upbringing, jealousy, competition, resentment and enmity, lack of expertise and lack of social trust are among the reasons for underwater. Sometimes in organizations, underwater causes wear and tear in the workplace. Because the mechanism of evaluating people's performance is such that it does not have the slightest expectation of improving the performance and behavior of people in work processes, naturally one should not expect constructive health and competition from evaluators. When the basis is not the promotion and development of competency, the pervasiveness of pathological underwater behaviors will be more likely to occur and will eventually affect other healthy areas of the organization.
Chinese speech, stolen listening, hypocrisy, instrumental use of public beliefs and culture, jealousy. (Malone, Hayes & et al 2012)., are rooted in social anomalies and are considered as examples of underwater. The destruction of others (underwater) is one of the factors affecting the inefficiency of organizations.
The results of Islamic research et al. Show that jealousy, resentment, greed and high Machiavellianism are among the individual factors of underwater. People with high Machiavellian traits tend to win, and their main focus is on the task at hand and what not. For this reason, they use the people under their control as a tool to achieve their task. Other personal factors affecting underwater in organizations can be the lack of ability and competence in the underwater person, internal complications and inferiority, lack of self-confidence and also the weakness of religious beliefs (Islami et al., 2018)
Some researchers consider the causes of underwater management in organizations to be managerial. The reason for this is the role and importance that managers can play in increasing and decreasing this behavior. Oral and superficial managers, managerial support and association with underwater women, ill-considered and discriminatory behavior of the manager, lack of scientific and technical communication channels to receive information, low managerial awareness of staff competencies, low familiarity of new managers with people in the organization Also, the manager's excessive trust in underwater women is a representative of the intensification of managerial factors (Duffy et al, 2012)
The results of Yousefi Zanouz et al. (2016) showed that in the individual dimension, negative social comparison was in the first place, cognitive assessment of the better future of others was in the second place and awareness of the abilities of others were in the third place. Also in the organizational dimension, the low level of fairness and justice in the organization were in the first place, performance evaluation was in the second place and leader-member interaction were in the third place.
The results of Jamshidzadi et al. (2021) show that individual, organizational and environmental factors have a great impact on underwater.
The results of other researches also show that lack of meritocracy in the organization, lack of organizational culture based on ethics, party and group interests, weakness in teaching appropriate organizational behaviors, lack of rules and regulations to observe ethical principles in the organization, low job security, rich and Lack of job challenges, weak and inappropriate communication between employees and each other, as well as feelings of injustice and inequality are organizational factors affecting underwater behavior (Scholl et al., 2019)
Sociologically, underwater diving is a reactionary behavior and shows that labeling is a psychological social flow that affects a person's self-image and gradually a conscious commitment to this action is formed. Labeling can determine the effect In sociology, foreign defendants are used for those who not only have not broken the law, but according to the label they eat, behave as if they have done so (Sotoudeh, 2000)
Foreign defendants who are unaware of the act committed about themselves, and female laborers who marginalize the actions of other individuals from their work cycle and job positions and responsibilities, although they promote themselves, but in the long run to the organization And they hit the community.
Therefore, paying attention to underwater is more important because it leads to the mental health of the workplace and causes people to not face negative and depreciation concerns in an environment where they sometimes experience being with their family for more than this time. Energy will be wasted. Specialized and sometimes committed human resources will not be able to be present in the workplace, and these areas of development and achieving lofty goals will be taken away from society.
The purpose of this study is to identify and interpret the role of underwater shaping areas among actors in Ardabil so that it can help identify and reduce social harms and provide the necessary knowledge to managers of organizations and selectors.
In this study, the Delphi technique has been used. In the first stage, a semi-structured exploratory interview was used to extract the indicators, and a total of 29 indicators were obtained through interviews with specialists and experts. Was placed to see if the set items are considered or not? Similarly, the extracted indicators were accepted by the interviewees and show the reliability and validity of the results. Based on the results of these interviews, a questionnaire was prepared in the form of 29 two-item closed-ended questions. After selecting the experts, 29 people were selected to study by snowball sampling. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained through Cronbach's alpha / 87. Also, by calculating the percentage of expert answers, consensus and agreement of experts were examined and items that more than 60% of respondents agreed on it were analyzed and interpreted in the second round of work. After the semi-structured interview, a consensus was reached among the experts and more than 60% of the experts agreed on the items related to the causes of submergence, which indicates the end of the Delphi study.
The philosophy of this research is interpretive, its approach is qualitative, and its strategy is data foundation with Glaser approach. The data strategy of the foundation is a qualitative method for creating a theory that broadly explains the process, action or interaction of the subject between the actors of Ardabil city with a specific identity (Creswell, 2002). Since identifying the causes of underwater behavior in the organization is the aim of this study, the data foundation theory strategy is consistent with this goal. Foundation data theory methodology is used with several approaches. This study, by adopting the emerging approach (Glaser), tries to pursue its goals and discover the participants' concerns and how to solve this concern in the field of study (2007, Glaser & Holton). In this study, the managers of government organizations under the ministries in Ardabil, as a statistical population, were considered. The reason for choosing this society is, firstly, the importance of the organization in the eyes of citizens and they expect these organizations, which are considered as a kind of representative of the Islamic government, to be more committed to Islamic, moral and human behavior and secondly, the consequences of underwater behavior In these organizations, it is far more than the private sector organizations, because the decisions that may be made as a result of such behavior about the people targeted can sometimes affect the fate of a society. In addition, managers, given their position as well as their experience, are better able to comment on the causes of underwater behavior in their respective organizations; Because they may witness this behavior on the part of their subordinates and become more familiar with the different ways, means, causes and consequences that this behavior has for the target people; Also, these individuals as members of the organization may themselves have been harmed by such behaviors and may comment on their experience as victims. Fourteen of these individuals were interviewed based on purposive sampling and based on experience, education and other criteria that indicate their rich knowledge in the field under study, until reaching theoretical saturation. Four of these people were senior managers, four middle managers and six operational managers from organizations such as the Department of Sports and Youth - NGOs - Municipality - Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance - Regional Electricity Company - Cooperative Office , Labor and Social Welfare - University - Public Libraries and Cultural Heritage and Tourism Office were selected. It is worth noting that due to the semi-structured interviews, the quality
Table No. 1, a part of statements and primary codes derived from the extraction of qualitative interviews
| Proposition | Primary codes | |
1 | Slandering a person to others in order to destroy that person's popularity | slander | |
2 | Talking behind someone else's back that causes harm to that person | Talking behind someone's back | |
3 | Usually managers who are more inclined to receive news and information about their employees through irresponsible sources fuel this phenomenon. | Managers' willingness to receive news from unofficial channels | |
4 | Giving bad reports or not giving good reports about someone due to jealousy to achieve evil desires | Reporting other people's information | |
5 | Using fake documents against others to destroy them is another trick | Using fake documents | |
6 | Giving information to a person to use it against another person | Reporting other people's information | |
7 | Covert behavior that is done in the absence of the target person in order to destroy the person's reputation or job | Destruction of one's position | |
8 | When employees are jealous of each other and the position, they try to destroy their personal image | Jealousy | |
9 | When a person is unable to achieve a goal, those who have achieved the position drag them under their feet | Jealousy | |
10 | Emptying someone's feet because of the feeling of satisfaction and euphoria, which shows the person's jealousy | feeling pleasure | |
11 | Slandering a person in front of others in order to endanger the personal, social and professional position of the party | Destruction of one's position | |
12 | The lack of necessary qualifications for promotion and activity is equal to destroying the status and image of others | Lack of merit for promotion | |
13 | A person should report news that he has witnessed or heard from people, whether good or bad | Reporting other people's information | |
14 | The complications and deficiencies of the human development period do not affect the rest of his life and behavior | Deficiencies and complications | |
15 | there is more undermining in the lower administrative ranks and job positions | Lower administrative positions | |
16 | The formation of an atmosphere of dialogue and mutual respect for each other prevents subjugation | Conversation space | |
17 | The problems of upbringing in the family finally show themselves in the office | education gay family | |
18 | When it is not based on the promotion and development of merit, the spread of pathological behaviors of undermining will be more | Lack of meritocracy | |
19 | As economic conditions worsen, this unethical behavior also increases | Unsettled economic situation | |
20 | Disruption of the organization 's communication is the basis for the occurrence of such destructive behavior | Disruption of the organization 's communications | |
21 | The phenomenon of undermining is the result of the lack of collective experience and collective opinions | individualism | |
22 | If proper upbringing is not carried out in the family, the children will harm and assault each other's position even if it is inappropriate. | Family education | |
23 | If the hadiths and verses are followed, the problem will be solved | Pay attention to the verses | |
24 | Seek help from God and the lives of Imams and religious scholars who are outstanding and popular | Attention to God | |
25 | The duty of religion and family is to teach morality, and morality is the end of all evils | Attention to moral education | |
26 | Observance of divine piety and that God always defends the truth and supports the truth is sufficient | Attention to God | |
27 | Doing sincere work in the way of God and not paying attention to the words of this and that | Attention to God | |
28 | One should enjoin what is good and forbid what is bad | Attention to religious practices | |
29 | Paying attention to the rules of Sharia and empowering oneself to act on it | Attention to religious practices | |
30 | Consider the protection of speech in public | Attention to the limits of speech | |
31 | Giving wrong information will burn the woman's underwater side | False information | |
32 | The person under the water continues to behave based on the label he has eaten, the behavior should be changed | Changing stigmatized behavior | |
33 | Avoid being friends with people with imperfect personalities or observe limits | Be careful in choosing a friend | |
34 | We must be careful not to create labeling conditions and be able to defend ourselves and clarify | Be careful in your behavior | |
35 | A person should always focus on his own work | Pay attention to your work | |
36 | He should be acquitted of the accusations | Defense of charges | |
37 | We must know our surroundings well | Knowing the people around you | |
38 | We should not trust people too soon | Cautious trust | |
39 | Lack of trust in relationships with others and being cautious in trusting others | Cautious trust | |
40 | We should not share everything with everyone | Avoid self-disclosure | |
41 | Talk to clear the charges against the person | Defense of accusations | |
42 | Do not irritate the sensitivity of sensitive people | Pay attention to your work | |
43 | Don't praise anyone in vain or in vain | Chablosi | |
44 | We must identify and control the areas that provoke jealousy | feeling jealous | |
45 | Competition and superiority should be reduced | Supremacy | |
46 | Having equal opportunities and many possibilities can reduce labeling | Justice in opportunities | |
47 | It should provide equal promotion ground for everyone | Justice in opportunities | |
48 | When people do not reach the goal with the correct methods of social relations and through individual efforts to improve | Lack of meritocracy | |
49 | People are used to numerous comparisons of themselves with others and try to evaluate their own performance . | Comparing yourself to others | |
50 | Emergence of behavior of comparison and equality with others is manifested to a large extent in human behavior | Comparing yourself to others | |
51 | The existence of a healthy atmosphere of competition and dialogue between colleagues prevents destruction | Conversation space | |
52 | The prevalence of criticism and criticism among colleagues reduces many problems | Popularity of criticism and criticism | |
53 | If people enter the organization from the very beginning, who enter the organization only in the presence of a relationship and do not have the slightest competence to hold a job, it is obvious that one should not expect professional behavior from them in the continuation of the work. | Lack of meritocracy | |
54 | Submerging happens more from people with less responsibility | Lower administrative positions | |
55 | Lack of positions and facilities Access to everyone ruins a workplace | Lack of facilities | |
56 | When a person does not reach the position he deserves, he finds problems in his administrative relations with others | Lack of meritocracy | |
57 | Undermining behavior creates a culture for the spread of lying, hypocrisy and cheating | hypocrisy | |
58 | If fair criticism appears in the society, people will criticize in a direct atmosphere and there will be no place for hidden destruction. | Popularity of criticism and criticism | |
59 | It is seen more than others in organizations where the culture of fear of superiors and the fear of losing organizational position and position is evident. | Fear in the organization | |
60 | Passing and implementing laws that protect the rights of the flooded person will reduce this behavior | Protective rules | |
61 | has increased in environments based on familial, ethnic and, in short, partying attitudes | Jealousy | |
62 | The more the payment is adjusted based on logic and based on the merits of people, the less the incidence of wrong behaviors will be | Justice in payments | |
63 | Due to their excessive attention to their personal interests, female underwater people lead others to relationships in which the interest of others or the collective is of no importance. | Personal interests | |
64 | Female underwater people are people with low self-esteem who constantly feel insecure | low self-esteem | |
65 | If the colleagues are aware of the ways of legitimate advancement in the organization, other behaviors will decrease | Awareness of ways to progress | |
66 | Some people use tricks such as slander, lies, backbiting, slander, duplicity and hypocrisy to get promoted . | hypocrisy | |
67 | abnormal personality aspects , a person takes actions to try and overcome his weaknesses, so that he can overcome his deficiencies, and this may lead to a feeling of instant pleasure in him. | Deficiencies and complications | |
68 | If a woman's inappropriate behavior is praised by the upstream, the feeling of instant happiness inside her is strengthened and it creates a desire for power, which is the source of many unpleasant traits . | Protective law | |
69 | The occurrence of these anomalies is due to the substitution of relationships instead of rules | Disregard for the law | |
70 | The underwater woman exaggerates in showing the minor mistakes and weaknesses of other colleagues | Exaggerating the weaknesses of others | |
71 | An underwater woman will say the most beautiful things about you in your presence, but not elsewhere | Unnecessary praise | |
72 | They feel insecure, emotionally vulnerable, and angry at themselves and the world | Feeling emotionally insecure | |
73 | I have seen my co-worker strengthen his pleasure complex by giving a false report about another | Deficiencies and complications | |
74 | Often, these people surprise and confuse us when we find out what they do because of their stealth and subtlety. | Stealth in destruction | |
75 | Some people go to great lengths to gain trust and hide their ulterior motives, and they are too friendly with you and can be flattering and hypocritical for no reason . | hypocrisy | |
76 | When economic resources are scarce in the society, some people take any means to acquire them | Lack of economic resources | |
77 | Craving for more and not being satisfied with what you have is a problem for humans | Crave more | |
78 | Those who feel threatened by their personal interests will do anything | A sense of threat to one's interests | |
79 | In order to obtain high positions, if a legal standard is not implemented, harm will occur | Non-implementation of promotion rules | |
80 | People who submerge receive benefits and resources and are encouraged | Access to benefits | |
81 | Always people who gossip behind others' backs in the workplace rely on power | Access to power | |
82 | The result of trusting other people too much is being stabbed in the back | Overconfidence | |
83 | People in the organization can have different faces | hypocrisy | |
84 | Some unethical behavior should be controlled by people | People's attention to social control factors | |
85 | Abnormalities are the result of incorrect upbringing of people | The result of upbringing and environment | |
86 | Watering is the result of waiting for good service | Good service to superiors | |
87 | Underwater women are overly complimentary | Exaggerated praise of successful people | |
88 | The root of undermining others is jealousy | Jealousy | |
89 | resented the progress of others | malice | |
90 | Some people have bad behavior habits in front of others | bad behavior habit | |
91 | In many cases, personal benefit makes a person do anything | profiteering | |
92 | I have observed that people who do not have the ability to do positive work seek to hit others | Inability to do good work | |
93 | Wicked people commit abnormal acts because of the feeling of enmity of others | Enmity with a female underwater person | |
94 | I think that female underwater people have experienced inferiority since childhood | Inferiority complex | |
95 | Submerging may also induce a kind of superiority and cleverness over others | Supremacy | |
96 | Female underwater person He has low self- esteem and he wants to cover it up by undermining | Not having enough self-confidence in a female underwater person | |
97 | Myopic characters are a danger to others | Self-impaired underwater woman | |
98 | religious beliefs weaken, behavioral deviation also appears | Weakness in religious beliefs | |
99 | Being with God and trusting in God is the way to prevent immoral behavior | Not trusting God | |
100 | The condition to stay away from abnormalities is sufficient faith and action | Lack of sufficient faith | |
101 | The cause of people's predicament and their misguidance is not paying attention to the verses and the life of Imams and religious scholars | Not paying attention to verses and hadiths and the lives of Imams and religious scholars | |
102 | If regulations and laws are applied to women under water, their behavior will stop | Lack or weakness of regulations and laws | |
103 | Legislators should think about setting appropriate rules to control flooding | Not setting appropriate and practical rules to control flooding | |
104 | A female underwater person uses slander and slander to others | Blasphemy | |
105 | The victim of flooding his mind is destroyed | Mental destruction of the person | |
106 | Anyone who is under the water of a woman has hypocrisy in front of others | Hypocrisy and hypocrisy | |
107 | The woman's underwater tool is to give unfair and wrong attitude to other people to destroy them | False report | |
108 | Using a baseless and false report about a victim is a subterfuge of women | False report | |
109 | Some people use verbal and verbal harassment to submerge them | Speech and verbal skills | |
110 | It is possible that women use gestures to destroy a person's mind | Gesture technique | |
111 | Letter writing and written presentation, documenting and filing are the common methods of undermining women in offices | Filing method | |
112 | Intruding into the victim's life and using objective data related to the person's life and trying to create public belief against the victim is a desperate attempt by women. | Forming a false belief to another person | |
113 | Confounding others with contradictory information about others is another method of subjugation | Providing conflicting information | |
114 | The underwater woman tries to access the victim's information in any way possible | Access to other people's information | |
115 | A person who has not committed a mistake may be overlooked by others in the office and eventually be fired and rejected | pessimism of others | |
116 | A small mistake by the underwater woman becomes a big mistake | Magnifying the mistakes of others | |
117 | Whatever the woman uses about the victim may not be true and may be a series of lies that she uses to show the truth. | Presenting false content and trying to show it in truth |
From the results of semi-structured interviews, 200 propositions and initial codes were obtained, which were not given in order to summarize and avoid repetition, and a total of 117 generated codes were given for the shaping areas of submergence.
Table No. 2 Frequency of primary codes based on open coding of interviews
Row | Open coding | Abundance |
1 | slander | 2 |
2 | Jealousy | 5 |
3 | feeling pleasure | 2 |
4 | Destruction of one's position | 2 |
5 | Lack of merit for promotion | 3 |
6 | Lower administrative positions | 2 |
7 | Conversation space | 4 |
8 | education gay family | 3 |
9 | Disruption of the organization 's communications | 2 |
10 | individualism | 2 |
11 | Pay attention to the verses | 2 |
12 | Attention to moral education | 3 |
13 | Attention to God | 4 |
14 | Attention to religious practices | 2 |
15 | Attention to the limits of speech | 2 |
16 | Changing stigmatized behavior | 2 |
17 | Be careful in choosing a friend | 3 |
18 | Be careful in your behavior | 3 |
19 | Pay attention to your work | 2 |
20 | Opportunity to defend the charges | 2 |
21 | Knowing the people around you | 3 |
22 | Cautious trust | 2 |
23 | Avoid self-disclosure | 4 |
24 | Chablosi | 2 |
25 | Supremacy | 2 |
26 | Justice in opportunities | 2 |
27 | Lack of meritocracy | 4 |
28 | Comparing yourself to others | 2 |
29 | Magnifying the mistakes of others | 2 |
30 | Popularity of criticism and criticism | 2 |
31 | Lack of facilities | 3 |
32 | hypocrisy | 3 |
33 | Fear in the organization | 2 |
34 | Protective rules | 2 |
35 | Justice in payments | 3 |
36 | low self-esteem | 2 |
37 | Awareness of ways to progress | 4 |
38 | Deficiencies and complications | 3 |
39 | Managers' willingness to receive news from unofficial channels | 5 |
40 | Disregard for the law | 3 |
41 | Feeling emotionally insecure | 2 |
42 | Stealth in destruction | 3 |
43 | Lack of economic resources | 2 |
44 | Crave more | 4 |
45 | A sense of threat to one's interests | 2 |
46 | Failure to follow the rules for promotion | 3 |
47 | Access to benefits | 5 |
48 | Access to power | 2 |
49 | Too much trust in others | 3 |
50 | People's attention to social control factors | 3 |
51 | Good service to superiors | 2 |
52 | Exaggerated praise of successful people | 2 |
53 | malice | 2 |
54 | bad behavior habit | 3 |
55 | profiteering | 5 |
56 | Inability to do good work | 3 |
57 | Having an inferiority complex | 4 |
58 | Self-impaired underwater woman | 3 |
59 | Weakness in religious beliefs | 2 |
60 | Lack of sufficient faith | 3 |
61 | Lack or weakness of regulations and laws | 5 |
62 | Not setting appropriate and practical rules to control flooding | 4 |
63 | slander | 2 |
64 | Mental destruction of the person | 3 |
65 | Hypocrisy and hypocrisy | 3 |
66 | Speech and verbal skills | 3 |
67 | Gesture technique | 2 |
68 | Filing method | 2 |
69 | Providing conflicting information | 9 |
70 | Making others pessimistic about the person | 2 |
From the total of 200 primary codes in coding, 70 non-repeated codes were obtained, which are listed in Table 2.
Table number 3 Open and axial coding (categories) of major categories based on the coding of labeling formation factors
Row | Open coding | Axial coding |
1 | Disruption of the organization 's communications |
Organizational opportunities and limitations
2 | Lack of meritocracy | |
3 | Lack of merit for promotion | |
4 | Justice in payments | |
5 | A sense of threat to one's interests | |
6 | Managers' willingness to receive news from unofficial channels | |
7 | Fear in the organization | |
8 | Lower administrative positions | |
9 | Good service to superiors | |
1 | Access to power |
Social opportunities and limitations |
2 | Justice in opportunities | |
3 | Comparing yourself to others | |
4 | individualism | |
5 | Popularity of criticism and criticism | |
6 | Lack of facilities | |
7 | Conversation space | |
8 | Lack of economic resources | |
9 | Access to benefits | |
1 | Family education |
Education |
2 | Awareness of ways to progress | |
3 | Too much trust in other people |
Self-control |
4 | Cautious trust | |
5 | Knowing the people around you | |
6 | Be careful in choosing a friend | |
7 | Be careful in your behavior | |
8 | Pay attention to your work | |
9 | People's attention to social control factors | |
1 | Jealousy |
2 | malice | |
3 | Deficiencies and complications | |
4 | Self-impaired underwater woman | |
5 | feeling pleasure | |
6 | Feeling emotionally insecure | |
7 | Having an inferiority complex | |
8 | low self-esteem | |
9 | Crave more | |
10 | Stealth in destruction |
behaviors |
11 | Hypocrisy and hypocrisy | |
12 | Supremacy | |
13 | hypocrisy | |
14 | bad behavior habit | |
15 | Magnifying the mistakes of others | |
16 | profiteering | |
17 | Inability to do good work | |
18 | Changing stigmatized behavior | |
19 | Avoid self-disclosure | |
20 | Chablosi | |
21 | slander | |
22 | Destruction of one's position | |
23 | Exaggerated praise of successful people | |
1 | Weakness in religious beliefs |
religious knowledge
2 | Attention to God | |
3 | Attention to moral education | |
4 | Pay attention to the verses | |
5 | Lack of sufficient faith | |
6 | Attention to religious practices | religious act |
7 | Attention to the limits of speech | |
1 | Protective rules |
Weakness in legislation |
2 | Not setting appropriate and practical rules to control flooding | |
3 | Lack or weakness of regulations and laws | |
4 | The opportunity to defend the accusations |
Weakness in implementation |
5 | Disregard for the law | |
6 | Failure to follow the rules for promotion | |
1 | Blasphemy |
Labeling mechanisms |
2 | Mental destruction of the person | |
3 | Speech and verbal skills | |
4 | Gesture technique | |
5 | Filing method | |
6 | Providing conflicting information | |
7 | Making others pessimistic about the person |
According to Table 3 may power Agents different particle for direct object To Underwater a woman According to the interviewees, for example, an interviewer stated that " if people enter the organization from the very beginning, who enter the organization only with the existence of a relationship and not having a little qualification to hold a job, it is obvious that one should not expect professional behavior in the continuation of the work. It was from him " or "damaging the communication of the organization is the basis for the occurrence of such destructive behavior " and... it is a reflection of the opportunities and limitations of the organization in the administrative and organizational structures that provide the field for the formation of subversion. When people feel that they do not have a high position in the administrative structure, or that they may lose their existing position, their job security is at risk, they try to maintain it in any way possible. Such behaviors are usually more when the organization wants to retrench and fire some employees. Because in such a situation, people try to make their colleagues look bad in the eyes of the manager, to prepare the conditions for their dismissal and not stay in the organization . It is not possible for them, they use submissive behavior. At such a time, they feel chronically insecure. In an interview, it was stated that "submissive women exaggerate in showing the minor mistakes and weaknesses of other colleagues" and " They have feelings of insecurity, emotional vulnerability and anger towards themselves and the world. Some people try very hard to gain trust and hide their bad motives, and they are too friendly with you and can be flattering and hypocritical for no reason . When he sees others enjoying something, he suffers and gets jealous. Envious people, due to their inherent and acquired deficiencies, are trying to undermine the status of their colleagues with malicious and deliberate methods and the conditions of their progress and promotion. or if a person is upset with his colleague or in a worse case, he has an enemy, this provides the necessary motivation to kill the person, people who do not have confidence in their competences and capabilities and their position is unstable and at risk . They see that, in order to keep themselves on the safe side, they start destroying people who are more capable than themselves, or on the other hand, the lack of protective laws for the people who are under the water or the lack of legal solutions to deal with them. and it provides another field for labeling. The lack of rules and regulations that oblige people to comply with ethical principles in the organization is a factor that causes people to gossip and slander others without any fear; Without anyone holding them accountable, it has been said in the interviews that " the adoption and implementation of laws that protect the rights of the submerged person will reduce this behavior" and... " If the inappropriate behavior of a woman underwater is praised by the upper body, the feeling of instant happiness inside her is strengthened and it creates a desire for power, which is the source of many unpleasant traits " and... " The occurrence of these anomalies is due to the replacement of relationships instead of rules. " If protective laws are formulated regarding victims and victims, and the victim gets the opportunity to know and defend the accusations against him, the victimization will be significantly reduced. .
or family problems and deficiencies At Education It is the formative field of undermining in organizations. Defects in family education, extreme trust in others or being cautious in trusting etc. are the reasons for the decrease or increase in organizational undermining. "Incorrect education is the wrong education of people" and " if the education is not done properly in the family, the children will harm and attack each other's position even if it is inappropriate. "
Underwater a woman To Considering objective And mental Man particle for direct object At Both may fall And may can two next objective And mental involve the person, At least Degree labeling state of mild And Harassment the giver mental Is (From insulting and cursing to creating pessimism and mentalization in people towards others) and Maximum it And state of intense it Use From Takat weakness Man the victim And Documentation and documentation to do Hints weakness Man LT is To intention Delete Man At state of obvious do may take _
Row | Proposition | Open coding | Axial coding |
1 | If the hadiths and verses are followed, the problem will be solved |
God-centered and duty-oriented |
Religious preventive measures |
2 | Seek help from God and the lives of Imams and religious scholars who are outstanding and popular | ||
3 | The duty of religion and family is to teach morality, and morality is the end of all evils | ||
4 | Observance of divine piety and that God always defends the truth and supports the truth is sufficient | ||
5 | Doing sincere work in the way of God and not paying attention to the words of this and that | ||
6 | One should enjoin what is good and forbid what is bad | ||
7 | Paying attention to the rules of Sharia and empowering oneself to act on it | ||
8 | Consider the protection of speech in public |
Monitoring the individual's actions and behavior
Individual preventive measures |
9 | Giving wrong information will burn the woman's underwater side | ||
10 | The person under the water of the woman continues her behavior based on the label she ate, change her behavior | ||
11 | Avoid being friends with people with imperfect personalities or observe limits | ||
12 | We must be careful not to create labeling conditions and be able to defend ourselves and clarify | ||
13 | Don't be fooled | ||
14 | A person should always focus on his own work | ||
15 | He should be acquitted of the accusations | ||
16 | We must know our surroundings well |
Being aware of social conditions | |
17 | We should not trust people too soon | ||
18 | Lack of trust in relationships with others and being cautious in trusting others | ||
19 | We should not share everything with everyone | ||
20 | Self-care in dealing with others | ||
21 | Talk to clear the charges against the person | ||
22 | Do not irritate the sensitivity of sensitive people | ||
23 | Don't praise anyone in vain or in vain | ||
24 | We must identify and control the areas that provoke jealousy | ||
25 | Competition and superiority should be reduced | ||
26 | Having equal opportunities and many possibilities can reduce labeling |
Equality of people |
Social preventive measures |
27 | It should provide equal promotion ground for everyone |
The findings of Table 4 show the solutions to control flooding. According to this table, three categories of individual, religious and social preventive measures can provide a solution for internal control, control of social conditions, strengthening faith and religious actions, and being vigilant in life conditions. to be safe from submerging behaviors or to avoid committing submerging acts.
Row | Proposition | Open coding | Axial coding |
1 | Slandering a person in front of others in order to endanger the personal, social and professional position of the party |
have an expressive idea |
Extraction from submergence |
2 | Slandering a person to others in order to destroy that person's popularity | ||
3 | Talking behind someone else's back that causes harm to that person | ||
4 | A person should report news that he has witnessed or heard from people, whether good or bad |
Have a practical idea | |
5 | Giving bad reports or not giving good reports about someone due to jealousy to achieve evil desires | ||
6 | Using fake documents against others | ||
7 | Giving information to a person to use it against another person | ||
8 | Covert behavior that is done in the absence of the target person in order to destroy the person's reputation or job | ||
9 | When employees are jealous of each other and the position, they try to destroy their personal image | ||
10 | When a person is unable to achieve a goal, those who have achieved the position drag them under their feet |
Having a desperate idea | |
11 | Emptying someone's feet because of the feeling of satisfaction and euphoria, which shows the person's jealousy |
Based on the results of Table 5, the opinion of the interviewees about the understanding and their perception of labeling in the three categories of expressive perception, have Practical imagination, having a desperate imagination is categorized
Table No. 6 categorization of categories based on the fundamental theory paradigm
Row | category | Category type |
1 | Organizational opportunities and limitations | Ali |
2 | Social opportunities and limitations | Ali |
3 | Education | a consequence |
4 | Self-control | a consequence |
5 | feelings | Background |
6 | behaviors | Background |
7 | religious knowledge | interferer |
8 | religious act | interferer |
9 | Weakness in legislation | interferer |
10 | Weakness in implementation | interferer |
11 | Religious preventive measures | strategic |
12 | Individual preventive measures | strategic |
13 | Social preventive measures | strategic |
14 | Labeling mechanism | phenomenon |
Causal conditions; It indicates incidents, events, and occurrences that lead to the spread of phenomena . In this study, organizational and social limitations and opportunities are as facts that are stated with the lack of equal opportunities for promotion and the lack of justice in payment or the lack of meritocracy or the lack of space for dialogue etc. if these conditions exist. It will be a limitation for the growth of the organization and society and it will turn the opportunities into threats. In other words, the codes extracted from the interviews are a limitation and in the opposite case they are an opportunity for the excellence of the organization and society . Or the central idea and thought are the same labeling mechanisms that can show themselves from a soft and subjective state to a hard and objective state, from slandering and slandering to filing a case against the victim without the person's knowledge.
Action/interaction strategies to manage flooding in organizations and social environments that can be dealt with in a way or that the series of behaviors are related to them include individual, religious and social preventive measures, according to them, flooding can be reduced. Some of these will act as internal controls and some as external controls.
Background; It is a series of special characteristics that indicate a phenomenon slow Some situations control or intensify the act of labeling. Emotions and behaviors are two important categories for the formation of subjugation behavior or its control are jealousy, malice, slander, superiority and lack, complexes, etc. .. are contexts for shaping the act of labeling.
conditions of mediation and intervention ; The structural conditions that belong to a phenomenon in the specified codes include a category of action and religious knowledge and legislation and law enforcement, which can be limited by strengthening them .
Implication: The result of the interaction of the categories can be the teaching of the principles of work in the organization, healthy family and social education and the creation of a self-control mechanism to control the behavior of women.
Finally, the final background model was drawn around the main category.
Table No. 7 of experts' opinions about the causes of flooding
Row | Reasons for labeling | I agree | I disagree |
1 | Lack of resources in society | 1/62 | 9/37 |
2 | Not being satisfied with what you have | 8/82 | 2/17 |
3 | A sense of danger about personal interests | 7/89 | 3/10 |
4 | Promotion to a higher position | 3/79 | 7/20 |
5 | Having resources or being the owner of resources under women | 6/58 | 4/41 |
6 | Having power or being the owner of power under women | 5/65 | 5/34 |
7 | Social reaction to a perceived violation of social norms or expectations | 5/65 | 5/34 |
8 | Too much trust in other people | 5/62 | 5/37 |
9 | Spreading the culture of hypocrisy in people | 8/82 | 2/17 |
10 | People's attention to social control factors | 7/51 | 3/48 |
11 | The result of upbringing and environment | 8/82 | 2/17 |
12 | Good service to superiors | 8/82 | 2/17 |
13 | Exaggerated praise of successful people | 5/65 | 5/34 |
14 | Jealousy | 100 | 0 |
15 | malice | 7/89 | 3/10 |
16 | A behavioral habit | 1/62 | 9/37 |
17 | profiteering | 6/96 | 4/3 |
18 | The lack of ability in a female underwater person to do good work | 69 | 31 |
19 | Enmity with a female underwater person | 69 | 31 |
20 | Having an inferiority complex | 8/82 | 2/17 |
21 | Supremacy | 1/93 | 9/6 |
22 | Not having enough self-confidence in a female underwater person | 6/60 | 4/39 |
23 | Self-impaired underwater woman | 6/79 | 4/20 |
24 | Weakness in religious beliefs | 6/96 | 4/3 |
25 | Not trusting God | 7/89 | 3/10 |
26 | Lack of sufficient faith | 6/96 | 4/3 |
27 | Not paying attention to verses and hadiths and the lives of Imams and religious scholars | 1/93 | 9/6 |
28 | Lack or weakness of regulations and laws | 4/72 | 6/27 |
29 | Not setting appropriate and practical rules to control flooding | 2/86 | 8/13 |
Table No. 5 shows that 29 items presented to experts show more than 60% consensus about the reasons for labeling. To increase the accuracy of these items, Kendall's coordination coefficient was also used, according to Table No. 2, the level of significance is low. More than 05/0 indicates the agreement of experts on Russian labeling items.
Table No. 8 Kendall's coefficient of agreement to show the agreement of experts
Kendall coefficient W | 132/ |
Chi-square | 949/106 |
Degrees of freedom | 28 |
number of samples | 29 |
Significance level | 000/ |
In Table No. 7, according to the first round study, in which a semi-structured interview was used, the obtained index was classified into categories based on the opinion of the judges. In the second round, based on the first stage of the study, the categories were considered, and arithmetic averages and A weight was calculated based on the categories in order to get a more accurate picture of the statistical population based on the multi-dimensional statistical description.
What is the weighted average consensus of the experts of Ardabil province in the field of submergence factors and which factors have priority?
Table number 9 average and weighted average of submergence indicators by categories
| Indicators | total score | Average | category average | Index weight | Average weight category | Priority |
social factors | Lack of resources in society | 40 | 4/1 |
3/1 | 11/ |
85/38 |
Not being satisfied with what you have | 34 | 2/1 | 038/ | ||||
A sense of danger about personal interests | 32 | 1/1 | 018/ | ||||
Promotion to a higher position | 35 | 2/1 | 059/ | ||||
Having resources or being the owner of resources under women | 39 | 3/1 | 087/ | ||||
Having power or being the owner of power under women | 39 | 3/1 | 087/ | ||||
Social reaction to a perceived violation of social norms or expectations | 39 | 3/1 | 087/ | ||||
Too much trust in other people | 41 | 4/1 | 138/ | ||||
Spreading the culture of hypocrisy in people | 34 | 2/1 | 038/ | ||||
People's attention to social control factors | 44 | 5/1 | 172/ |
| |||
The result of upbringing and environment | 34 | 2/1 | 038/ | ||||
Good service to superiors | 34 | 2/1 | 038/ | ||||
Exaggerated praise of successful people | 39 | 3/1 | 087/ | ||||
Psychological and individual factors | Jealousy | 29 | 1 |
2/1 | 015/ |
75/36 |
2 |
malice | 32 | 1/1 | 07/ | ||||
A behavioral habit | 40 | 4/1 | 17/ | ||||
profiteering | 30 | 1/01 | 031/ | ||||
Artlessness or lack of ability in a female underwater person to do good work | 38 | 3/1 | 14/ | ||||
Enmity with a female underwater person | 38 | 3/1 | 14/ | ||||
Having an inferiority complex | 34 | 2/1 | 09/ | ||||
Supremacy | 31 | 1/1 | 049/ | ||||
Not having enough self-confidence in a female underwater person | 41 | 4/1 | 193/ | ||||
Self-impaired underwater woman | 35 | 2/1 | 11/ | ||||
Religious factors | Weakness in religious beliefs | 30 | 1/03 |
| 138/ |
14/31 |
4 |
Not trusting God | 32 | 1/1 | 44/ | ||||
Lack of sufficient faith | 30 | 1/03 | 138/ | ||||
Not paying attention to verses and hadiths and the lives of Imams and religious scholars | 31 | 1/1 | 284/ | ||||
Legal agents | Lack or weakness of regulations and laws | 37 | 3/1 |
2/1 | 69/ |
67/35 |
Not setting appropriate and practical rules to control flooding | 33 | 1/14 | 31/ |
According to table number 9, it is observed that among the 4 social, psychological, religious and legal factors, the social factor has the highest weighted average among the factors and is the first priority among the factors, in other words, according to experts, restrictions in the distribution of resources, overconfidence of people to each other and... can be the cause of labeling, and the second factor, psychological factor, third legal factor, and fourth religious factor, rank 2 to 4, respectively.
Discussion and conclusion
Underwater in any form means slandering a person in front of others, as a result of which the person loses his social status, work or popularity. This disgusting and destructive phenomenon, unfortunately, is rooted in the ugliness that the great men of our religion have forbidden man. Underwater behavior is common in many societies that, despite the lack of compensation for socialization of individuals and individual and psychological reinforcing characteristics, have limited resources and facilities or the unequal distribution of resources. And the scarce resources available to a minority are limited and unequal, so competition for access to limited economic resources arises, and actors in competition may be tools due to their weak religious faith and their psychological and personality background in destroying others. Use destructive competition for others to take them off the field in a competitive arena to gain an advantage. He is not well suited. In such circumstances, the actor may feel relatively deprived and retaliate against those who have achieved benefits. On the other hand, the unfair distribution of power in organizations can also provide grounds for underwater and More than just medicine Organizational rules entrusted to them, to practically destroy the personality and popularity of individuals in organizations and to try to remove a person from the organization through immoral methods, and this action if it becomes a culture in the practical life of individuals and through official laws and Or informal methods of monitoring and control are not internalized, it becomes normal and can penetrate into other parts of people's social life, for example, enter into family interactions and pave the way for the breakdown of families. ... Therefore, in order to reduce underwater, it is necessary to prevent this immoral behavior from becoming a real culture theoretically and practically, to increase self-control, and to socially limit the grounds for women underwater, God-centered Strengthening the diminution of religious beliefs and values and forgetting that God is in control of human behavior and actions in any case, causes a person to do anything to achieve greater status and benefit.
In this study, individual factor is the second priority of experts among the four factors. The result of Islamic research et al. (2015) also shows that jealousy, resentment, and greed are involved as individual factors in underwater. Also, the result of research by Jamshidzadi et al. (2022 ) Also shows that individual, organizational and environmental factors have a great impact on underwater. Sociologically, underwater diving is a reactionary behavior and is shown to be a sticking to a psychological social current that affects a person's self-image.
Failure to enforce legal rules and regulations in society that require individuals to adhere to moral principles causes people to gossip and slander others without any fear; Without anyone questioning them. In fact, the existence of strict rules and regulations can be a kind of deterrent to people from saying untrue and untrue things about others. This is especially true in organizations and institutions.
On the other hand, in addition to the amount received by individuals, the dual distribution of authority in organizations and institutions is also an underwater factor. They do not give up. In this case, the underwater situation intensifies, and the consensus of experts on the inequality in the distribution of responsibilities, both in the social dimension and in the individual dimension, provides jealousy, resentment, etc. Strengthen a woman.
It is therefore suggested that the benefits of stigmatizing women should be eliminated, definitions mean more tolerance, so that people stop stigmatizing certain individuals or situations as problematic. The purpose of exploiting stigma can be to reduce stigmatization of oneself and others, and therefore to reduce the problems resulting from such stigma.
The beliefs of the people should be strengthened and also religious norms should be internalized through socialization through retraining workshops in offices and organizations and internal and external monitoring should be strengthened. Public awareness should be raised. Thanks to such measures, the level of underwater can be reduced.
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88. Davood Heidari Azim1*, Seyedeh Leila Hakemzadeh2022 International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies, Volume 13 Issue 1, ISSN 2228-9860 eISSN 1906-9642 CODEN: ITJEA8