Comparison of plasma sialic acid concentration between retained fetal membrane and healthy Holstein dairy cows
Subject Areas : Veterinary Clinical PathologyAfsaneh Hasanpour 1 , Reza Narenji sani 2 , Keivan Keramati 3 , Mahmood Ahmadi-hamedani 4
1 - D.V.M Student, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
Keywords: Plasma, Sialic acid, Holstein dairy cows, Retained fetal membrane,
Abstract :
Sialic acid (SA), an acetylated derivative of neuroaminic acid, is widely distributed in mammalian tissues. Since SA is usually bound to glycoproteins, glycolipids, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, it is scarcely found as free form in the serum. Moreover, SA is an important structural component of biological membranes and it is widely found in bacteria and animal tissues but its concentration increases rapidly following inflammation and tissue injury. In the present study, the effect of retained fetal membranes (RFM) on plasma sialic acid activity was studied weekly on 60 postpartum Holstein dairy cows with ELISA from 3 weeks before calving to 1 week after calving named as the transitional period. There was a significant difference between the RFM and healthy groups in the amount of sialic acid during the two weeks before calving and also a week after calving. Also, there was a significant difference in the trend of variation of sialic acid concentration during different weeks in each group. The results indicated that upper plasma sialic acid activity is associated with RFM in the early postpartum period and this could be used as a RFM diagnostic parameter beside other diagnostic parameters in dairy cows.
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- Mordak, R. and Stewart, P.A. (2015). Periparturient stress and immune suppression as a potential cause of retained placenta in highly productive dairy cows: examples of prevention. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 57(1): 84-87.
- Murata, H., Shimada, N. and Yoshioka, M. (2004). Current research on acute phase proteins in veterinary diagnosis: an overview. The Veterinary Journal, 168(1): 28-40.
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- Thatcher, W.W., Bilby, T.R., Bartolome, J.A., Silvestre, F., Staples, C.R. and Santos, J.E. (2006). Strategies for improving fertilityin the modern dairy cow. Theriogenology, 65(1): 30-44.
- Turk, R., Juretic, D., Gereš, D., Svetina, A., Turk, N. and Flegar-Meštric, Z. (2008). Influence of oxidative stress and metabolic adaptation on PON1 activity and MDA level in transition dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 108(1-2): 98-106.
- Tvarijonaviciute, A., Kocaturk, M. and Cansev, M. (2012). Serum butyrylcholinesterase and paraoxonase 1 in a canine model of endotoxemia: effects of choline administration. Research in Veterinary Science, 93(2): 668-674.
- Varki, A., Angata, T. and Albera, A. (2008). Sialic acids in human health and disease. Trends Molecular Medicine, 14(8): 351-360.
- Allison, R.D. and Laven, R.A. (2000). Effect of vitamin E supplementationon the health and fertility of dairy cows: a review. Veterinary Record, 147(25): 703-708.
- Asadzadeh, R. and Azimzadeh, K. (2014). Assessment of serum total Sialic acid usage in diagnosing pneumonia. Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences, 22(5): 128-137. [In Persian]
- Citil, M., Gunes, V., Karapehlivan, M., Atalan, G. and Marasli, S. (2004). Evaluation of serum sialic acid as an inflammation marker in cattle with traumatic reticulo peritonitis. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire, 155: 389-392.
- Draganov, D., Teiber, J. and Watson, C. (2010). PON1 and oxidative stress in human sepsis and an animal model of sepsis. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 660(22): 89-97.
- Erdogan, H.M., Karapehlivan, M., Citil, M., Atakisi, O., Uzlu, E. and Unver, A. (2008). Serum sialic acid and oxidative stress parameters changes in cattle with leptospirosis. Veterinary Research Communications, 32(4): 333-339.
- Gruys, E., Toussaint, M. and Niewold, T. (2005). Acute Phase reaction and acute phase proteins. Journal of Zhejiang University Sience, 6(11): 1045.
- Guzel, M., Askar, T. and Kaya, G. (2008). Serum sialic acids, total antioxidant capacity, and adenosine deaminase activity in cattle with theileriosis and anaplasmosis. Bulletin Veterinary Institute Pulawy, 52: 227-230.
- Hassanpour, A. (2017). Evaluation of Serum level of sialic acid, total protein and albumin in the horses with strangles. Journal of Comparative Pathobiology, 14(1): 2097-2104. [In Persian]
- Hassanpour, A. and Monadi, A. (2015). Evaluation of serum concentration of sialic acid in foals affected by Rhodococcosis. Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 3(35): 253-260. [In Persian]
- Hur, T.Y., Jung, Y.H., Kang, S.J., Choe, C.Y., Kim, U.H. and Ryu, S., et al. (2011). The impact of the duration of retained placenta on postpartum diseases and culling rates in dairy cows. Veterinary Research, 51(3): 233-237.
- Karagenc, T.I., Kiral, F.K., Seyrek, K., Bildik, A. and Eren, H. (2005). Detection of serum total sialic acid in cattle with natural tropical theileriosis. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire, 1(11): 578-582.
- Kelm, M., Albera, A. and Angata, T. (1996). Prenatal diagnosis of free sialic acid storage disorders. Acta Veterinary Beograd, 57(15): 181-189.
- Manimaran, A., Kumaresan, A. and Jeyakumar, S. (2016). Acute Phase reaction and acute phase proteins. Veterinary World, 9(1): 91-100.
- Miller, J.K., Brzezinska-Slebodzinska, E. and Madsen, F.C. (1993). Oxidative stress, antioxidants and animal function. Symposium antioxidants, immune response and animal function. Journal of Dairy Science, 76(9): 2812-2823.
- Mordak, R. and Stewart, P.A. (2015). Periparturient stress and immune suppression as a potential cause of retained placenta in highly productive dairy cows: examples of prevention. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 57(1): 84-87.
- Murata, H., Shimada, N. and Yoshioka, M. (2004). Current research on acute phase proteins in veterinary diagnosis: an overview. The Veterinary Journal, 168(1): 28-40.
- Novak, F., Vavrova, L. and Kodydkova, J. (2010). Decreased paraoxonase activity in critically ill patients with sepsis. Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 10(1): 21-25.
- Pickup, J.C., Day, C., Bailey, C.J., Samuel, A., Chusney, G.D., Garland, H.O., et al. (1995). Plasma sialic acid in animal models of diabetes mellitus: evidence for modulation of sialic acid concentrations by insulin deficiency. Life Sciences, 57(14): 1383-1391.
- Samols, D., Agrawal, A. and Kushner, I. (2002). Acute phase proteins. Cytokine Reference Online, 168(1): 28-40.
- Schauer, H.A., Gorji-Dooz, M., Mohri, M., Dalir-Naghadeh, B. and Farzaneh, N. (1984). Variations of energy-related biochemical metabolites during transition period in dairy cows. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 16(4): 253-258.
- Thatcher, W.W., Bilby, T.R., Bartolome, J.A., Silvestre, F., Staples, C.R. and Santos, J.E. (2006). Strategies for improving fertilityin the modern dairy cow. Theriogenology, 65(1): 30-44.
- Turk, R., Juretic, D., Gereš, D., Svetina, A., Turk, N. and Flegar-Meštric, Z. (2008). Influence of oxidative stress and metabolic adaptation on PON1 activity and MDA level in transition dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 108(1-2): 98-106.
- Tvarijonaviciute, A., Kocaturk, M. and Cansev, M. (2012). Serum butyrylcholinesterase and paraoxonase 1 in a canine model of endotoxemia: effects of choline administration. Research in Veterinary Science, 93(2): 668-674.
- Varki, A., Angata, T. and Albera, A. (2008). Sialic acids in human health and disease. Trends Molecular Medicine, 14(8): 351-360.