Expediency and its Role in Contraction and Expansion of Legal Jurisprudential Rules of Polygamy
Subject Areas : Islamic lowrahmatollah saeedighoraghani 1 , mohammd reza kaykha 2 , Haydar Amirpour 3
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
2 - Department of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Sistan and Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Expansion, expediency, Polygamy, Contraction, Jurisprudential and legal rulings,
Abstract :
One of the outstanding elements of the principles of deduction of religious laws is the contingency of Islamic rulings on vice and virtue. Attention to the element of expediency in family law can be examined under various topics including the issue of polygamy. By studying and deliberating over this topic, and as a result of the present study, which was conducted using a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of investigating the role of the element of expediency in the contraction and extension of polygamy rulings, it can be construed that polygamy is not inherent in marriage, and considering the interests of the family, the wife is entitled to protect herself from the husband’s potential promiscuity by receiving assurance or a commitment from him. In contrast, in today's society, due to the rising rate of divorce, the declining rate of marriage among young people for a variety of reasons, the growing number of widows, and the presence of men whose spouses cannot meet their sexual needs due to cold temperament, sexually transmitted diseases, or unwillingness to have children, the expansion of polygamy can be justifiable subject to the observance of rules and regulations and can be considered compatible with the interests of society.
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