Daar Principle in the Light of Twin Strategy in New Penology
Subject Areas : Private law
Fatemeh Ahadi
Babak Pourghahramani
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Penal Law & Criminology, Maraghe Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maraghe, Iran,
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Penal Law & Criminology, Maraghe Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maraghe, Iran
Keywords: Daar principle, Penology, Twin strategy,
Abstract :
Substantive Criminal Law has its roots in the dynamic and fabulous regulations of Islamic Jurisprudence. One of the principles denoting the capacity of the Fiqh teachings in conformity and even priority over the teachings stipulated under New Penology is the ‘Daar Principle’. The present paper attempts at clarifying the strategies employed under Daar Principle and the related issues aiming to determine the harmony between reconsidered Daar Principle strategy and twin strategy in New Penology. Noting that the ultimate aim of all the sciences is to reach at unity and bright future without having any kind of prejudice in their ways. The present research employs descriptive- analytical method in order to analyse the strategies mentioned herein. The paper concludes that the restriction of the scope of Daar Principles denoting the duality of its criminal policy may be considered as a proof for its harmony with Twin Strategy in New Penalog.
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