The Effectiveness Of emotion-oriented Approach on early Maladaptive Schemas, Quality of marital life and Cognitive Regulation of Emotion In infidel Couples
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Mahsa Keivani
Amir Panahali
Shole Livarjani
Ali Khademi
1 - . PhD Student in Counseling, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department Of Counseling, Faculty Of Education And Psychology, Islamic Azad university, Tabriz, Iran. (Correspond Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department Of Counseling, Faculty Of Education And Psychology, Islamic Azad university, Tabriz, Iran.
4 - Department of psychology, urmia branch, Islamic azad university, urmia, Iran
Keywords: cognitive emotion regulation, early maladaptive schemas, infidelity, quality of marital life, Emotion-Oriented Approach,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research was to determine the effectiveness of the emotion-oriented approach on early maladaptive schemas, quality of married life, and cognitive regulation of emotion in couples who have experienced infidelity. The current research was semi-experimental. The statistical population of the current research included couples who had witnessed betrayal (the betrayer and the betrayed) and visited the counseling centers of Tabriz city from April 1400 to August. The sample including 14 couples was selected and randomly divided into 2 groups. The experimental group received emotional intervention and the control group did not receive any intervention. The measurement tools included Young's early maladaptive schemas questionnaire, Busby, Curran, Larsen and Christensen's Marital Life Quality Questionnaire and Garnevsky and Kraij's Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Multivariate analysis of covariance using Spss software was used for analysis. The results showed that emotional therapy has significantly reduced emotional deprivation, abandonment, social isolation, deficiency, dependence, distress, sacrifice and emotional inhibition in the post-test stage. Also, the emotion-oriented approach has significantly increased the components of the quality of married life, agreement, satisfaction, and cohesion, as well as increasing the cognitive regulation of compatible emotions and reducing the cognitive regulation of incompatible emotions.
Aldao,A., Nolen- Hoeksema,S.,&Schweizer , S.(2010).Emotion-regulation strategies across psychopathology: A meta-analytic review.Clinical psychology view,30,217-237.
Angus, L.E., Greenberg, L.S.(2011). Working with narrative in emotion-focused therapy: changing stories, healing lives. Massachusetts: American Psychological Association.
Benneer D.G, Hill P.C.(1999). Baker Encyclopedia of Psycoholgy and Counseling. Michigan: Baker Books.
Dumitrescu, D & Rusu, A.S (2012). Relationship between early maladaptive schemas, ouple satisfaction and individual mate value: An evolutionary psychological approach. Journal of evidence- based psychotherapies, (1) 12, 63-7.
Esmaili, F., Nawabinejad, S., & Kyamanesh, A. (2021). The effectiveness of emotion-oriented therapy on the initial incompatible schemas of couples during marriage. Research Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Vol 2 (64), pp. 251-262. [In Persian]
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Johnson SM, Simakhodskaya Z, Moran M. (2018). Addressing issues of sexuality in couples therapy: emotionally focused therapy meets sex therapy. Current Sexual Health Reports.10(2):65-71.
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Mennin, D. S., & Fresco, D. M. (2014). Emotion regulation therapy. In J. J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of emotion regulation (pp. 469- 490). New York: Guilford Press.
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Nekonam, A., Etemadi, S., and Pournakash Esfahani, S. (2017). The effectiveness of the emotion-oriented couple therapy approach on improving sexual satisfaction and marital stress of coronary heart patients. Journal of Psychological Sciences, 17(65), 61-77. [In Persian]
Porjorat, M. (2016). A comparative study of early maladaptive schemas in woment with marital infidelity experience and those who didn't have such an experience. Acta Medica Internationl. 3(1): P. 89-93.
Rahim Aghaei, F., Hatamipour, Kh., and Ashuri, J. (2016). The effect of group schema therapy on reducing depression symptoms and increasing the quality of life of nurses. Journal of Nursing Education, 6(3), 17-23. [In Persian]
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Starratt VG, Weekes- Shackelford V, Shackelford TK. (2017). Mate value both positively and negatively predicts intentions to commit an infidelity. Pers Ind Differ; 104: 18-22. Doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.07.028.
Wiebe S, Elliott Susan M, Johnson M, Burgess M, Tracy L, Dalgleish Lafontaine(2019). Focused Couple Therapy and Sexual Satisfaction Outcomes in a Two-year Follow-up Study. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy; 18(10): 262.
Yavari Kermani, M. (2008). Survey of marital satisfaction. Master's thesis, Birjand Azad University. [In Persian]
Young, J. E. (1999). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders: A schema-focused approach. Sarasota, Florida: Professional Resource Press.
Young, J, E,, Klosko, J. S., Weishaar, M. E.(2003) Schema therapy: A practitioner's guide. New York: Guildford Press;p. 23-64.
Yousefi, N. (2011). Comparison of the effectiveness of two family therapy approaches based on schema therapy and Bowen's emotional system on the desire for divorce in clients seeking divorce. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 3(11), 53-64. [In Persian]
Zeinali, A. and Amirsardari, L. (2018). Predicting infidelity proneness using early maladaptive schemas. Jentashapir Jornal of Health Research. 9(1); el 1892.
Aldao,A., Nolen- Hoeksema,S.,&Schweizer , S.(2010).Emotion-regulation strategies across psychopathology: A meta-analytic review.Clinical psychology view,30,217-237.
Angus, L.E., Greenberg, L.S.(2011). Working with narrative in emotion-focused therapy: changing stories, healing lives. Massachusetts: American Psychological Association.
Benneer D.G, Hill P.C.(1999). Baker Encyclopedia of Psycoholgy and Counseling. Michigan: Baker Books.
Dumitrescu, D & Rusu, A.S (2012). Relationship between early maladaptive schemas, ouple satisfaction and individual mate value: An evolutionary psychological approach. Journal of evidence- based psychotherapies, (1) 12, 63-7.
Esmaili, F., Nawabinejad, S., & Kyamanesh, A. (2021). The effectiveness of emotion-oriented therapy on the initial incompatible schemas of couples during marriage. Research Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Vol 2 (64), pp. 251-262. [In Persian]
Ezati N, Kakabaraeri K. (2016).Forecastin extramarital relationships based on marital quality of life and the five major personality factors. Journal of Nation Research; 1(9): 83-75.
Farokhzadian, A. A., Rezaei, F., & Sadeghi, M. (2018). The Effectiveness of Combined Metacognitive Therapy with Childhood traumas-Based Emotional Schema Therapy on Generalized Anxiety Disorder of Social Anxiety. The Horizon of Medical Sciences, 24(2), 111-118. [In Persian]
Gross, J. J. (2003). Emotion regulation: Affective, cognitive, and social consequences. Psychophysiology, 39(3): 281-291.
Gross, J.J.(2015). Emotion regulation: Current status and future prospects. Psychol. Inq. 26: 1–26.
Gross, J. J. (2014). Emotion regulation: Conceptual and empirical foundations. In J. J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of emotion regulation (2nd ed., pp. 3-23). New York: Guilford Press.
Greenberg L.(2008). Emotion and cognition in psychotherapy: the transforming power of affect. Canadian Psychol. 49(1):49.
Hasni, J., Naderi, Y., Ramzanzadeh. F., & PourAbbas, A. (2012). The role of emotional intelligence and emotional schemas in women's marital satisfaction. Family Research Quarterly, Vol 9(4), pp. 489-506. [In Persian].
Hatamy A, Fathi E, Gorji Z, Esmaeily M. (2011).The Relationship between parenting styles and Attachment Styles in men and women with infidelity. Procedia Soc Behav Sci. 15: 3743-7. Doi: 10. 1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.366.
Javidi, N. (2012). The effectiveness of emotion-oriented couple therapy on improving marital satisfaction of couples and controlling family behavior. Applied Consultant Quarterly, 3(2), 65-87. [In Persian].
Jeanfreau, M, M. (2009). A qualitative study investigating the decision- making process of women, participation in marital infidelity. Kansas state university.
Johnson, SM. (2010). The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy. Translated by Bahrami F, Azarian Z , Etemadi O. 2nd ed .Tehran: Danzheh Press.PP.257-259 . [In Persian].
Johnson SM, Simakhodskaya Z, Moran M. (2018). Addressing issues of sexuality in couples therapy: emotionally focused therapy meets sex therapy. Current Sexual Health Reports.10(2):65-71.
Karminejad, Z., Sudani, M., & Mehrabizadeh Honarmand, M. (2015). The effectiveness of the emotion-oriented approach on the cognitive regulation of emotion in female students with emotional failure. Journal of Yafteh, vol 18, (4), pp. 86-79. [In Persian]
Kaya, Y., & Aydin, A. (2021). The Mediating Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas in the Relationship Between Attachment and Mental Health Symptoms of University Students. Journal of Adult Development, 28, 15-24.
Kolayi, A., Basati Mutlaq, T., Tajik Esmaili, A., Taqvai, D., and Rahmatizadeh, M. (2013). Early maladaptive schemas and intimate attitudes in non-covenant and non-covenant married men. The scientific and research quarterly of the Iranian Nursing Scientific Association, volume 2, number 3, page 12-23. [In Persian]
Lavner, J. A., Karney, B. R., & Bradbury, T. N. (2016). Does couples' communication predict marital satisfaction, or does marital satisfaction predict communication? Journal of Marriage and Family, 78 (3), 680-694.
Loudova I, Janis K, Haviger J. (2013).Infideltiy as a Theratening Factor to the Existence of the Family. Procedia- Soc Beha Sci; 106: 1462-9. Doi: 10.1016/ j.sbspro.2013.12.164.
Mahmoud Alilou, M., Heydari Aghdam, B. (2017). The effectiveness of emotion regulation and mindfulness training on the symptoms of bulimia nervosa. Journal of Medical Sciences Studies. Vol 29 (12):pp. 888-895. [In Persian]
Mazzuca, S., Kafetsios, K., Livi, S., Presaghi, F. (2019). Emotion regulation and satisfaction in long-term marital relationships: The role of emotional contagion. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,36(9),80-95.
Mennin, D. S., & Fresco, D. M. (2014). Emotion regulation therapy. In J. J. Gross (Ed.), Handbook of emotion regulation (pp. 469- 490). New York: Guilford Press.
Mohammad Hosni, S., and Bakhtiarpour, S. (2014). The relationship between primary maladaptive schemas and problem-focused and emotion-oriented coping strategies among female teachers with stress syndrome, International Conference on Humanities and Behavioral Studies, Tehran. [In Persian]
Nekonam, A., Etemadi, S., and Pournakash Esfahani, S. (2017). The effectiveness of the emotion-oriented couple therapy approach on improving sexual satisfaction and marital stress of coronary heart patients. Journal of Psychological Sciences, 17(65), 61-77. [In Persian]
Porjorat, M. (2016). A comparative study of early maladaptive schemas in woment with marital infidelity experience and those who didn't have such an experience. Acta Medica Internationl. 3(1): P. 89-93.
Rahim Aghaei, F., Hatamipour, Kh., and Ashuri, J. (2016). The effect of group schema therapy on reducing depression symptoms and increasing the quality of life of nurses. Journal of Nursing Education, 6(3), 17-23. [In Persian]
Soltani M, Shairi MR, Roshan R, Rahimi Ch.(2014). The impact of emotionally focused therapy on emotional distress in infertile couples. Int J Fertil Steril; 7(4): 337-344.
Starratt VG, Weekes- Shackelford V, Shackelford TK. (2017). Mate value both positively and negatively predicts intentions to commit an infidelity. Pers Ind Differ; 104: 18-22. Doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.07.028.
Wiebe S, Elliott Susan M, Johnson M, Burgess M, Tracy L, Dalgleish Lafontaine(2019). Focused Couple Therapy and Sexual Satisfaction Outcomes in a Two-year Follow-up Study. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy; 18(10): 262.
Yavari Kermani, M. (2008). Survey of marital satisfaction. Master's thesis, Birjand Azad University. [In Persian]
Young, J. E. (1999). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders: A schema-focused approach. Sarasota, Florida: Professional Resource Press.
Young, J, E,, Klosko, J. S., Weishaar, M. E.(2003) Schema therapy: A practitioner's guide. New York: Guildford Press;p. 23-64.
Yousefi, N. (2011). Comparison of the effectiveness of two family therapy approaches based on schema therapy and Bowen's emotional system on the desire for divorce in clients seeking divorce. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 3(11), 53-64. [In Persian]
Zeinali, A. and Amirsardari, L. (2018). Predicting infidelity proneness using early maladaptive schemas. Jentashapir Jornal of Health Research. 9(1); el 1892.