Optimizing Outsourcing Decisions in the Service Sectors and Businesses: A Comprehensive DSS Model for Effective Ranking and Selection
Subject Areas : Decision theory
Moezodin Mazaheri Tirani
Mahdi Karbasian
hadi shirouyehzad
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Keywords: Service-Outsourcing, DSS Model, WASPAS, BWM, Fuzzy logic,
Abstract :
Outsourcing is a key strategy in many industries and service sectors and businesses. Choosing the right outsourcing subject can boost productivity while choosing the wrong one can cause problems. Thus, a scientific model to support outsourcing decisions is needed. Especially, a specific model for the service sectors and businesses. We aim to make a comprehensive model to rank outsourcing options in the service sectors and businesses. This model covers different fields and can be used universally. We used a comprehensive library study, a questionnaire, and the CVR analysis to find and validate outsourcing decision indicators, these comprehensive indicators are one of the advantages of this article. Then, we used Kano’s model to divide them into functional and basic categories for better analysis. Next, we used the fuzzy best-worst model to weigh the indicators. Finally, we used the fuzzy WASPAS model to rank the outsourcing options. We applied the model to a case study at a Hospital as a service business unit. We considered and evaluated and ranked four sectors for outsourcing: "Restaurant", "Pharmacy", "Maintenance and Repair" and "Finance and Accounting".
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