Studying the effect of medicinal supplements prepared from grains on changes in the concentration of some hormones in laboratory rats with thyroid gland problems.
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializationsHojjat Eghbal 1 , Mehdia Ahmadi Sabegh 2
1 - Department of Phytochemistry, Basic Sciences Research Center, Tabriz University, Iran.
2 - 2. Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Ahar Branch, Ahar, Iran.
Keywords: cereals, Food supplement, Thyroid Glands, Concentration Changes, Laboratory Rat,
Abstract :
Introduction & Objective:The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands in the body that regulates the body's energy metabolism. This gland has a butterfly-like shape and is located in front of the trachea. Due to the increasing prevalence of thyroid diseases and the lack of appropriate treatment for this disease, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of food powder (Made from grains) on changes in the concentration of T3, T4, TSH hormones in male rats. Lead acetate was performed. Materials.and Methods:For this study, 30 Wistar rats were used. To induce the disease, lead acetate was used in combination with diet in mice and mice in treatment groups with concentrations of 125, 250 and 500 mg. They received food powder (Made from grains) per kilogram of body weight.Results:According to the results of T3, T4, TSH tests in the blood of the studied mice, it can be concluded that food powder (Made from grains) causes a relative return of T3, T4, TSH levels to normal. In the study of the interaction of the concentrations used in food powder (Made from grains), it was found that the concentration of 500 ml / kg has the most effective therapeutic effect and the concentration of 125 ml / kg has the least effect against hypothyroidism. Conclusion:According to the results of this study, it can be stated that food powder (Made from grains) is a suitable therapeutic effect for the treatment of thyroid parameters abnormalities.