Determining the characteristics and removing contaminants in the wastewater of serum manufacturing industries
Subject Areas : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of all specializationsRamin Abbasi 1 , Leila Amirkhani 2
1 - Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - عضو هیات علمی گروه مهندسی شیمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اهر
Keywords: Treatment, COD, Coagulant, lime, serum effluent,
Abstract :
Wastewater treatment, both in the industrial and urban dimensions, has many problems due to the use of expensive equipment and operational issues. Wastewater treatment of the pharmaceutical industry is a wide range of wastewater treatment methods that differ in structure and scope due to the variety of treatment methods, the variety of treatment plants, the variety of seasons, and even time. In this study, the analysis of serum company effluent after biological treatment during one year was investigated. Due to the high level of COD in some months of the year, the reduction of COD in the effluent of the serum manufacturing company after biological treatment and in the supplementary treatment stage was investigated using lime coagulant. The modeling and optimization of the COD removal process were studied using experimental design. The optimum COD removal efficiency was 18.9 minutes, pH was 5.6 and coagulant was 2 g / l, which was about 51%. In this study, the modeling for the process using the response procedure method and the optimization obtained for this method were in good agreement with the experimental data.