Innovating in Environmental Psychology with the aim of Reviving Individual Values based on Schwartz's Value Model (a case study of the elements of Movement and Stillness in the landscape of the entrance of Iranian architecture)
Subject Areas : Applied creativity-logy, creativity and innovation engineering
Masoumeh Ghanaati
Fatemeh Ghanaati
Amir Reza Karimi Azeri
1 - Department of Architecture Engineering, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
2 - Department of Computer Engineering, Astaneh Ashrafiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astaneh Ashrafiyeh, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Architecture, Architecture and Art Faculty, University of Guilan, Rasht, Guilan, Iran.
Keywords: Movement and Stillness Components, Creativity in Environmental psychology, individual values, Schwartz', s value model,
Abstract :
Background: In Iranian architecture, the visual components of the entrance landscape of any place, which cause users to move towards the space or stillness and continue the presence of people in that place, are the most important parts of communication with the space, they are well felt by people and affect their judgment of the place. Paying attention to the effect of these components on the user provides opportunities for creating creativity in the psychology of the environment. Purpose: Creating creativity in the psychology of the environment with the innovative integration of psychology and architecture by measuring the role of six components of movement and stillness in the entrance landscape of Iranian architecture, including water, light, plants, columns and porticoes, connecting spaces (hashti and corridors) and courtyards (enclosure), with the aim of reviving the five individual values of creativity, excitement, satisfaction, alertness and authority, which are adapted from Schwartz's value model. The investigated architectural components are as independent variables and five individual values adapted from Schwartz's value model are as dependent variables of the research. Method: Using the descriptive-analytical method, users' views and the ranking of the test results were investigated. SPSS software was used to examine the variables and their effect on people, as well as to rank the variables. The statistical population was selected in District 2 of Rasht city, in the area where Rasht Culture House complex (Saghrisazan neighborhood) is located. The reason for choosing this place by the authors is the high importance of reviving value principles in the user in a cultural place compared to other places. Conclusion: The findings show that in the revival of individual values presented in Schwartz's value model, respectively, based on the average ratings, the components of the yard (enclosure), plant, light, water, interface space (hashti and corridor) and column and As natural and artificial elements, the portico has been influential in the view of the entrance. In addition, the percentage of influence of each in the revival of values was determined.
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