Comparing the organic Rankine and Kalina cycles to use the waste energy of the cascade refrigeration cycle to reduce power consumption
Subject Areas : Journal of New Applied and Computational Findings in Mechanical Systems
Mohsen Mahdavi Adeli
Seyed Omidreza Mousavi
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sousangerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sousangerd, Iran
2 - Department of Chemical and Polymer Engineering, Tangestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tangestan, Iran.
Keywords: Cascade Refrigeration, Reduce Energy Consumption. Thermodynamic Analysis, Organic Rankine Cycle,
Abstract :
In this article, a new integrated system is presented to prevent energy loss and reduce power consumption. In this system, the cascade refrigeration cycle (cooling production cycle), organic Rankine cycle (power production cycle), and Kalina cycle (power production cycle) are used. The cascade refrigeration cycle is combined with the mentioned power generation cycles employing a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger has the role of a condenser for the cascade refrigeration cycle and the role of an evaporator for the power generation cycles. After producing cooling at a low temperature (-45°C) by the cascade refrigeration cycle, the generated heat in the cascade refrigeration cycle is utilized in the evaporator of the organic Rankine or Kalina cycles to produce the required steam instead of being wasted. The results showed that by using the organic Rankine and Kalina cycles, the power consumption of the cascade refrigeration cycle is reduced by 20.13 % and 14.06 %, respectively.
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