The Role of Umm Al-Salma's Management in the Battle of Jamal
Subject Areas : History & Archeology
Reza Moeini Roudbali
Mohammad Keshavarze (Beyzaie)
Ali Najarporian
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Farhangian University, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Department of Islamic Studies, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr University of Medical Sciencesk, Bushehr, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Farhangian University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Management, Umm Al-Salma, The Battle of Jamal,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was the role of Umm al-Salma's management in the Battle of Jamal. The research universe included all the texts related to Umm al-Salmah; one of the Prophet's wives. The sample of the research was the managerial role of Umm al-Salmah in the Battle of Jamel. The research was designed as descriptive-historical. Data was collected based on library information, documents and index note taking. The results showed that Umm Salma was aware of her significant and sensitive role among Muslims not only in the important events of the Prophet's era; but also during the era of Hazrat Ali (AS). She also supported him during the caliphate of Ali (AS). While rejecting the proposals of the initiator of the Battle of Jamal in the war against Hazrat Ali (a.s.), she tried to prevent Ayesha from going to Basra by reminding the Prophet of Islam speech that denoted Ali (AS) was the guardian of every believer. Umm Salma gave a speech to the Mohajarin(the emigrants) and Ansar(the supporters), asking for their support to Hazrat Ali (AS) and succeeded in dissuading many groups from accompanying the Jamal troops. Her dilouges with Ayesha before and after the Battle of Jamal emphasized her foresight towards the unity of Muslims. She revealed their plots and conspiracies by writing numerous letters to Hazrat Ali (AS). Referring to the words of the Messenger of Allah, who spoke about women staying at home during war, she sent her son Amr bin Abi Salama to help him in the war against the enemies. This issue made Umm Salma to be praised by Hazrat.
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