Analyzing the lived Experience of Women in the Weakening of the Family Foundation and Divorce
Subject Areas : Psychology
Marzieh Malekiha
Farshid Aslani
Rezvan Bagheri
1 - Haztat-e Masoumeh University Qom, Department of Counseling, Qom, Iran.
2 - Payamenoor University in Tehran, Department of Public Management, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Payamenoor University in Shahinshar, Department of Public Management, Shahinshar, Iran.
Keywords: Weakening of the family foundation, divorce, Lived experience,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research was to analyze the lived experience of married women in the weakening of the family foundation and divorce. The statistical population was all married women who referred to the family court of Isfahan in the spring of 2021. The research sample was 18 women who were selected by purposive sampling. The design of the current research was qualitative and using the phenomenological method. Qualitative data were collected via semi-structured interviews Thematic analysis method was applied to analyze the data. Results indicated that weakening of the family foundation was under the influence of factors affecting divorce, which included physical violence, psychological violence, financial violence, ineffective communication, breaking the emotional contract in marital relationships, drug addiction and alcohol consumption, psychological issues and problems, emotional issues and problems. Also, the factors of weakening and harming the family foundation embraced dishonesty, extramarital factors affecting divorce and economic hardships. The factors that threaten the family foundation included the employment status of the couple, cultural differences and social status of the couple, and the formation of an undesirable marriage.
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